We can develop this antibody in collaboration
This antibody is not yet included in the Agrisera catalog, but there is a possibility to develop antibodies with Agrisera as collaboration projects. Please contact our team at [email protected] if this is an interesting option, and we will provide more details.Hundreds of Arabidopsis antibodies in stock, available for immediate shipment
Please check out Agrisera's antibody collection for Arabidopsis thaliana.
Agrisera antibodies match up with many TAIR gene codes, which you will find in a list at the top of that page.
Antibodies you can depend on
Beyond antibodies to plant proteins, Agrisera provide extensive collections of antibodies to e.g. hormones and epitope tags, as well as secondary antibodies and detection reagents.We also offer over 80 antibodies, free of charge, in return for experimental results. A list of these antibodies can be found here.
Are you interested to learn about Agrisera's way of working over the last 20 years, and how we are able to provide the most comprehensive and well-published plant antibody collection? Find out here.