Customer Testimonials
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Product quality | ||
"I have been using this antibody for the past 7 years. It has worked wonderfully for me every time I tried. I have used it on cyanobacteria (including Trichodesmium), Diatoms, and Seagrasses, with and without the RbcL standard. I have several publication in which I used this antibody (and others by Agrisera)." | ||
"Very good, reliable, high quality product. We have successfully used it in various projects, for plant and cyanobacterial samples over a decade already. Also performs excellently in the project that we are currently preparing for publication. I can higly recommend using it. | ||
"This antibody works very well for our samples. The membrane proteins from the Arabidopsis roots are subjected to 10% SDS-PAGE and then detected with this antibody (1:5000). The results shows that this antibody is quite specific and sensitive." | ||
"This product was proved to work perfectly with Lolium/Festuca species. Thus, it seems that it has a wide range of species compatibility." | ||
"AGO5 protein is a really tricky protein that required good antibody for its detection. Agrisera AGO5-antibody demonstrate to be good for AGO5 detection. The reason why I gave this grade it is because this antibody detect a lot of non-target protein resulting into a lot of unespecific bands. Although the unespecific bands, we could detect our protein and Agrisera antibody showed to be the better one when we compare with others company. Thank you for this product." | ||
"We used H3 antibody with nuclear protein extracts from Arabidopsis at a dilution of 1:5000 and it gave very good result. I recomend this product." | ||
"Agrisera anti-HTA9 AS10 718 is an excellent antibody to follow Arabidopsis H2A.Z levels by western blot and chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments (ChIP). We have used anti-HTA9 for ChIP and ChIP-seq experiments in Arabidopsis thaliana and the results obtained are in agreement with previously published data using other techniques." | ||
AS16 4030, AS12 1858, AS16 4037, AS16 3204, AS15 2962, AS12 1857, AS13 2640 | "We have used multiple Agrisera products (or antibodies) throughout the manuscript and we have cited them properly in the reporting summary of the paper. These include: BIK1, BAK1, CERK1, SOBIR1, RBOHD, FLS2 and ACTIN antibodies. Again many thanks for developing these great antibodies. They contributed to a big part of this work." | |
"The kit is really great and I truly enjoy working with this kit. The manual is very precise and clearly describes the proper steps for an successful analysis. It is very handy that every solution needed is included which makes the analysis less time consuming. Thank you for all the effort that went into this development." | ||
"mNeonGreen Antibody in alga, it worked nicely! It worked very beautifully! Well done Agrisera! Thank you! Once again thank you for the help you made to our research. Thank you for being a pioneer and trustable antibody company." - Hanie Khorshidi, PhD Candidate, University of Saskatchewan, Canada | ||
"The image shows that the antibody works very well in detecting a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii protein fused to mNG. We had an mNG antibody from another company, that for unknown reasons could only work in plant samples (the protein sequence of mNG tag in plant vectors is the same as the tag’s protein sequence in algal vectors). However, your antibody works well in both plants and alga. Thank you for being a pioneer and trustable antibody company." | ||
"In my hands they now both work well, after optimizing transfer according to your suggestions and using the SuperBright ECL that we won at the KBC days instead of normal ECL --> detection time goes from ~45 minutes to <10 seconds, so I will definitely continue to use this!" | ||
More customer reviews can be find on the product pages for each product under the tab Reviews. | ||
Ordering & service | ||
"I am so glad that your business is doing so well. You really filled a gap when you started and now you are a household name in the community. I am proud of the shirt you gave me....like I belong to your team." | ||
"Thank you so much for your assistance yesterday and for this follow up email. […] | ||
"You are so fast with delivery!!! I thought it will come in a week or two. Antibodies came so promptly! Thank you :)" | ||
"I am grateful to your quick response and the supply of precious products. The purchasing process was very understandable, quick and easy. Now I am getting good results." | ||
"I am becoming really a fan of Agrisera. Great service and (so far) really high-quality antibodies, thanks a lot!" | ||
"I like to work with Agrisera. It is a first choice." | ||
"Honestly, thanks a lot for being so efficient. You has been helping so much, especially now when the time is a limitation for me. Please feel proud you, because you are amazing. Thanks and have an a lovely week." | ||
"[Colleague] mentioned that you are very good at making custom antibodies and I would like to know a bit more about this, because I think my current project could benefit a lot from this." | ||
"I bought more than 20 products from your company over the past 2 years. It is very helpful." | ||
"I have been an Agrisera customer since I was a Master's student and I know your photosynthesis antibodies are great! I'll look more into your products!" | ||
"Thank you very much for the Agrisera ECL SuperBright kit. I recommended it to my colleagues in Belgium and they bought and tried the small kit. Very pleased with the results. We will also order it for ourselves." | ||
"I have never in my life received products so quickly following my order!" | ||
"I have been heard about Agrisera and their fantastic [custom antibody production] services with reasonable price [...]. We are interested to order 4 different polyclonal antibodies using peptide as antigen." | ||
"Well, you are a very reliable company with an amazing customer service/communication, so I was able to prepare my blots yesterday, knowing the serum will be here in the morning today :)" | ||
"Once again, thank you so much! Yes the purified one would be awesome. By the way, I take the chance of congrats Agrisera because we just tried some antibodies we recently ordered and they work amazingly :)" | ||
"I cannot postpon your e-mail even in holidays since it is good offer :)" | ||
"The ordered antibody has already arrived today. Many thanks for the very fast processing. Many thanks also for the included posters and the personal dedication. I really appreciate your customer service." | ||
"Perfect! Thanks so much! Agrisera is amazing!" | ||
"Thanks very much. I've been using Agrisera antibodies since I began as a grad student. I appreciate your company's focus on plant-oriented antibodies." - Rebecca Roston, Associate Professor, University of Nebraska-Lincoln | ||
For more information on ordering and shipping, check out our ordering and shipping information page, or contact [email protected]. | ||
Technical support | ||
"These antibodies greatly accelerated our research. I really appreciate the contributions of your company to plant biology and our research!" | ||
"Please don't mind my saying that I always deeply appreciate how you have been helping throughout in out research." | ||
"I found your information very helpful for my experiments. You told me so many things about how I could optimize my blots and get an antibody to work which I did not know until then." | ||
"We managed to have some success with the HSP70 antibody after using it with a different ECL. The trial reagents helped a lot with figuring out what worked!" | ||
"Thanks so much! I'm currently using the Agrisera form II Rubisco antibody with (tentatively) wonderful results. I hope that you've got minions responding to your emails since I think that I've bothered you with Rubisco questions quite a lot. I really appreciate all of your help." | ||
"Thanks for all the advice. It was very helpful talking to you. I get into the mood of trying your antibodies. Lets see - I ll be back in the lab soon." | ||
"Thank you very much for the posters and technical suggestions. I have always thought your antibodies were of high quality." | ||
"Some colleagues of mine told me that you were really cooperative and helped them a lot for their research." | ||
"Thank you very much for everything. You have really helped me. Thank you for your great job. You have been very nice." | ||
"I am very glad that everything is going fine with you and with the Agrisera! We are most grateful to you for all your help, advices and understanding, and we are happy to collaborate with the Agrisera." | ||
"I greatly appreciate all the advice on protein extraction and Western blot from the Tech support team, especially Joanna. You are so helpful, patient, knowledgeable, and supportive. I've learned so much from you when designing my experiment. Thank you so much!" - Yuan Zhang, Ph.D., Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | ||
For technical support, please email [email protected] or contact us on live chat. | ||
Educational material | ||
"By the way, I just checked out the new protein extraction poster. It’s great and I’ll definitely be posting it in my lab!" | ||
"I just wanted to say thank you so much for sending the posters, I received them and I'm so grateful, the quality is amazing and I can't express enough how much it means to me." | ||
"Thanks so much for these amazing posters. I have 1-5 on my wall already. I am going into 3rd year of an Applied Plant Biology degree, and they are invaluable for passive learning while relaxing in my room. It doesn't hurt that they are so nice to look at!!! Thanks again for the hard work!" | ||
"I found [the posters] on the app formerly known as Twitter. What I really appreciated is that you got real experts in the field to make them. Nice job! And if you’re wondering why I got all of them rather than just the ones about small RNAs, it’s because I’m going to gift the others to other members of my department, who I’m sure are going to like them." | ||
"Regarding how I found out about the posters – when I was a PhD student someone in my lab ordered these posters when they were first released by Agrisera. Since then, whenever I start a new position I like to order another set of posters for my new lab so that more people can learn about/enjoy these terrific resources that you’ve made available!" | ||
"I didn’t expect them [the Educational Posters] to be so popular. It’s a great way to enthuse students about plant sciences. I’d be great to have some more copies. Thank you so much!" | ||
"Thank you so much! I knew about you through Facebook, I saw someone shared one of your posters and I knew I need it ha ha ha :), I felt in love with all of them! I hope I can get 'em all soon. Have a beautiful week!" | ||
"Thanks a lot for opening the posters and images for all. I came to know about your website while doing some analysis on photosynthesis. They will be good resources for our lab. I loved the Agrisera site and your support for the western blottings." | ||
"I heard about the posters from the ASPB meeting last summer, I got 2 posters about photosynthesis. I found them very useful for my students and wanted to use the one for the miRNAs as well." | ||
"Thanks Joanna and all at Agrisera. These posters are beautiful." | ||
"Thank you for sending them [the Educational Posters]! I can’t wait until I get them! I am a biology teacher and I find them really great and a thorough overview of the photosynthesis subject and can’t wait to hang them in my classroom!" | ||
"Hi there, I'm a 2nd year Plant Science undergraduate and these posters are just amazing. I'm taking a chance in requesting hard copies as I live in Ireland (studying at University College Cork) [...] These posters are the best I have found anywhere." | ||
"I found them [the Educational Posters] hanging at the University of Freiburg in a Lab and wanted to hang them in my office, as a kind of general overview for myself and colleagues. Because the illustrations are kept easy and assessable." | ||
"I actually learned about the posters from a student of our department who brought them to her presentation last week. They are beautiful and helpful to understand the processes of photosynthesis. I plan to hang them in the students' room so that everyone can have a look." | ||
"Thank you so much! These posters are great! I’m very happy that I’ve found your website." | ||
"We just received the postal package containing the posters and the guide. We are very grateful for your kind gift. We hope that this gift improves the understanding our students have on photosynthesis and plant science in general." | ||
"These [the Educational Posters] are great! I will share with my research students, but will also use the images in my lectures, citing SciGrafik and Agrisera, of course!" | ||
"I want to thank you for your work and we like a lot your recent photosynthesis posters, they are very useful!" | ||
"Not only are your posters scientifically accurate, they are works of art, worthy of display for the world to see. Your expression of Rubisco is brilliant! As a result of your designs and your clarity of expression, these educational posters are so popular, that international audiences seeks them. Do farmers come from the other side of the convention hall to get one of my scholarly reprints? Not at all. They are clamoring for your printed posters because everybody from laborers to professors are putting them up on their walls." | ||
"I received posters and a western blot guide book today. Thank you very much for gifts. My resources for education are increased. I displayed the posters in a prominent place and will give them to some graduate students." | ||
"I use your educational posters in teaching lab and the students love them!" | ||
"It [Educational Poster] is so nice. I will put it in my kids' room :) They already love photosynthesis (yes, I am saving up for therapy for them).” | ||
"Great educational posters!" | ||
"The meeting was great and thanks again for your support. We had you material up in the poster session hall (3 sessions) and students excitedly stocked up on the z-scheme posters you sent." | ||
"I saw the poster in my institute and found that it is one of the best summaries of photosynthesis I saw on a single poster. I am merely a Plant Sciences Master student, so the purpose it would have is to hang in my room and act as a nice-looking overview and useful reminder of one of the key concepts in my field." | ||
"I'm teaching plant physiology at agronomy courses since 2016. I'm very interested to get the Agrisera educational posters. Please, send me a copy of each poster showed above (posters 1, 2, 3 and 4). They will be very useful in my classrooms and in my lab with my students." | ||
"I'm a final-year PhD student and I'd love to receive these posters if they are free! These would be very helpful when lecturing and tutoring students. Is it possible to get all four of them? That would be amazing." | ||
"The education poster 1 and 3. Thanks so much for your information. The content is very great for teaching of plant physiology." | ||
"Thanks so much. These are very great learning resources." | ||
"I would like to have these posters as they are great resource in lab as well as for teaching Plant Physiology." | ||
"Thank you! I use your educational posters in teaching lab and the students love them!" | ||
"It is an impressive poster, with up-to-date information on PSII." | ||
"The poster is a wonderful piece of work, done with vast knowledge and great care to detail . . . . not an easy task to show such a complex system and processes with such a clarity . . . . Amazing!! My congratulations for that. I am sure this poster will inspire many students and researches around the world!!" | ||
"Thank you so much for signposting the posters. They look great, just at the right level for my students. Thank you!" - Jon Hale, Head of Biology, Beaulieu Convent School | ||
"Thank you for your message and I can not wait to receive the posters that are really nice and well done." | ||
| "I will be extremely grateful to receive your posters for the instruction of students in the practical (lab) sessions of my classes in plant physiology and plant metabolism. I would like to know how much I am supposed to pay for them or whether they are free. Also, I found out about your posters on the website of the Global Plant Science Council under the resources menu. I will be glad to let you know they arrived and how helpful they have been." | |
| Please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in receiving free-of-charge hard copies of Agrisera's Educational posters or Western blot guide. For product-specific material, check out our product catalog and flyers. | |
Western blot workshops | ||
"I take this opportunity to tell you that I really liked the workshop, I learned how to improve certain abnormalities that I usually see in my protein gels and some useful information that I didn't know. The explanations were very clear and the development of the workshop was easy to follow." | ||
"I recently attended the online workshop on Mastering Western Blotting Optimization held today, and I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for organizing such an excellent and informative event. The workshop was immensely beneficial, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge that I am excited to apply in my work. | ||
"Very helpful and very well put together workshop from your side. Thank you so much." | ||
"I'm writing to you first of all to congratulate you and thank you for today's workshop, it has been very useful." | ||
"Thank you for an excellent presentation, which will help many of us with troubleshooting." | ||
"Thank you very much for your presentation! It was very clear and useful!" | ||
"Thank you so much for great, interesting and informational lecture!" | ||
"Ah, and thanks for sharing the video of your talk. I implemented a few tricks that have improved my experiments. I added a heating step (70C for 5 min) to facilitate denaturation and adapted the transfer protocol to improve the movement of heavy proteins, and I have the feeling my results are cleaner now." | ||
"Thank you for your wonderful speech yesterday. Customers responded very enthusiastically and expressed their love for the course." | ||
"Once again tank you for the super interesting (& insightful workshop). Definetely we have learned a lot." | ||
"The workshop was fascinating; I did not know many details about Western. It was fun!" | ||
"Thank you for all the insights and your expertise ! I will try to convince everyone using the Western blot technique in my lab to optimize their protocol instead of using always the same one !" | ||
"Thank you very much for all the helpful information." | ||
"The PowerPoint was very helpful and informative." | ||
"Even though we’ve been doing westerns for quite some time I learned some cool tips and tricks from your webinar. Would it be possible to get the slide deck?" | ||
"Thank you again for the workshop, I really enjoyed it, and it was informative!" | ||
"Thank you for your time and efforts to put this together!" | ||
"I enjoyed the workshop today. Super informative!" | ||
"Thanks a lot for today's workshop. It was really helpful for a beginner like me." | ||
"Thank you very much for the slides. Your talk was excellent." | ||
"Thank you so much for this great workshop." | ||
"The feedback from your workshop was quite good our students really enjoyed it and said it was very practical and addressed real questions." | ||
"Thank you very much for the prizes and the information of the workshop. As a starter to the western blot world, the knowledge that has been delivered from the workshop really helped me build up a general understanding of western blot as well as trouble shooting the potential problems. I love the FAQ part of each section as I hold the same questions many times." | ||
"Thanks! It was a very nice and informative workshop :)" | ||
"Thank you very much for the workshop! I myself learned quite some additional things, I didn’t know before. And I talked to some of my colleagues just now and they also really liked your workshop. Thanks also for providing the pdf, I will send them to the participants!" | ||
"I really enjoyed your presentation and I can see how dedicated you are about western blots, it was really great to listen to you!" | ||
"Thank you very much for the excellent workshop last week. I’ve never done protein work before, but I feel like I learned a lot from you and I’m much more confident to give it a try." | ||
"Thanks for the excellent talk and sharing your experience on Western. I found it very useful." | ||
"Our PhD students highly estimated the knowledge and practical advices they gained from the workshop. PhD students also highly appreciated the interesting format of the workshop. They are grateful for preparing a presentation especially for them, based on their questions and problems related to the use of the Western blot technique. A nice surprise was the quiz that allowed the PhD students to test their knowledge in a stress-free way and win a prize Thank you also for the supporting materials provided by Agrisera." | ||
"Thanks! It was a very nice and informative workshop :)" | ||
"Thank you very much for the workshop! I myself learned quite some additional things, I didn’t know before. And I talked to some of my colleagues just now and they also really liked your workshop. Thanks also for providing the pdf, I will send them to the participants!" | ||
"I really enjoyed your presentation and I can see how dedicated you are about western blots, it was really great to listen to you" | ||
"Thank you very much for the excellent workshop last week. I’ve never done protein work before, but I feel like I learned a lot from you and I’m much more confident to give it a try." | ||
"Thanks for the excellent talk and sharing your experience on Western. I found it very useful." | ||
| Please contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in participating in an Agrisera Western blot workshop. | |