Agrisera blog

Agrisera X-mas gift to We Agroforestry

2020 X-mas gift from Agrisera

This year our Christmas gift goes to Vi Agroforestry and the campaign All of Sweden against the Hunger Pandemic. As a result of the ongoing corona pandemic, there is a risk that 130 million people will suffer from acute famine. Vi Agroforestry works with tree planting in eastern Africa, where they train local farmers' organizations in sustainable agriculture and agroforestry, gender equality and business management. The effect is greater harvests and more food on the tables, more money to invest in the farm and in the children's schooling, and in the end reducing poverty and improved the climate.

We are proud to contribute!

We wish you all happy and merry holiday time and lots of success in 2021!
Agrisera Team
Read more 2020-12-22

Agrisera participates and supports conferences in 2021

Agrisera is participating in the following meetings in 2021 

The 31st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, 21.06-25.06, online conference
Plant Biology Europe 2021, 28.06-1.07, online conference
Plant Biology 2021, 19.07-23.07, Pittsburgh, USA, online conference
Plant Photobiology, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 22.07-25.07, online conference
Chlamy 2021, 29.08-3.09, Six-Fours-les-Plages, France
Argentinian meeting of Plant Physiology, 13.09-17.09, SantaFe Argentina
Online 10th biennial PSEPB Conference 20.09–23.09, Katowice, Poland
Compass, Passport to the future, Interdisciplinary doctoral studies at the Faculty of Biology, UAM, 22.09-24.09, Poznań, Poland
KBC Days, 9-10.11, Umeå, Sweden

Agrisera is suppporting following meetings in 2021

Online Conference | Western photosynthesis 2021, 2.01
Online International Plant Proteomics Organization 4th conference, 9.03-11.03
Online conference | Photosynthesis: from phytochemistry to biochemistry, ERPC38, 24.04
Online conference ISRR/ROOTING2021, 24.05-28.05
Online PostDocDay at University of Geneve, 27.05, Switzerland
Online Canadian Society of Plant Biologists CSPB-SCBV2021, 7.06-11.06, Canada
Hybrid conference: International Conference on Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (ICPSBB), 14.06-17.06, Golden Sands, Bulgaria
Plant Biology Europe, 28-06-1.07, online conference
8th Plant Nitric Oxide International Meeting, 7.07-9.07,Szeged, Hungary
Plant Organellar Signalling (FEBS workshop), 19.09-23.09, Primošten Croatia
Understanding plant responses to climate change: redox-based strategies, 20.09-22.09, Baeza, Spain
The 23rd Austrian Society of Plant Biology Conference, 23.09-25.09, Seitenstetten, Austria
15th Nordic Photosynthesis Congress, 5.10-8.10, Gothenburg, Sweden
Target of rapamycin (TOR) signaling in photosynthetic organisms, 21.10-24.10, Eiceira, Portugal
Online 47th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Conference22.10-23.10, USA
A creative Economy for Sustainable Development, 2021 ASA, CSSA, SSA International Annual Meeting, 7.11-10.11, Salt Lake City, USA
Cyano2021: Early Career Researcher Symposium on Cyanobacteria - "Photosynthesis – from its origin to applications", 15.11-17.11, online
Unveiling biological networks by cutting-edge proteomic tools 30.11-4.12, Rosario, Argentina
Online | The Canadian Society of Plant Biologists 2021 Western Regional Meeting, 3.12-4.12, Canada


The Global Plant Science Events Calendar

In The Global Plant Events Calendar, you will find the most up-to-date information about worldwide conferences, congressed and even online events.

Read more 2020-12-21

Winner of Agrisera Antibody and Western Blot Quiz announced

The Quiz

It was taking just a few minutes of your time, to answer 10 questions about antibodies and Western blot and get a chance to win a free antibody  of your choice from the Agrisera Catalog. The Quiz was open for participation from January to March 2021. We were impressed with amount of correct answers.
Thank you for participation!

The Winner

Winner of Agtrisera Antibody Quiz

PhD candidate Jennifer Saile from
the group of Prof. Dr. Andreas Wachter, University of Mainz
in Germany.

Agrisera Antibody and Western blot Quiz

Read more 2020-12-17

The UPSC Agrisera Prize 2020

Warmest congratulations to Ioanna Antoniadi who has received The Umeå Plant Science Centre Agrisera Prize 2020 to acknowledge her scientific achievements and her engagement to improve the work environment at UPSC. The UPSC Agrisera Prize is awarded every year to a person working at UPSC and was announced today during the virtual UPSC Christmas Celebration.

Ioanna Antoniadi works as a postdoc in Karin Ljung’s group at the Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology at SLU and is the expert for fluorescent-activated cell sorting (FACS) an advanced technique that allows to separate cells according to certain physical characteristics like for example different cell size.

The UPSC Agrisera Prize is awarded every year to a PhD student, a postdoc or a technician for excellent scientific achievement and great commitment to improve the UPSC work environment. It is sponsored by Agrisera but the members of the UPSC board select the winner of the prize. Everyone working at UPSC can nominate a colleague for the UPSC Agrisera Prize. This year, the UPSC Board received nine nominations, the highest number of nominations since 2014.

“The prize gives us the possibility to acknowledge great achievements and commitments and it is every year very difficult to choose one candidate out of many good suggestions”, says Catherine Bellini, chairmen of the UPSC Board who announced the winner of the prize today together with Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund from Agrisera. “We were delight that we received this high number of nominations this year. It shows that people care about their workplace.”

Awardee of Agrisera UPSC Prize 2020

 Dr. Ioanna Antoniadi

Read more 2020-12-15

Fifteen Agrisera Awards given away in 2020

Agrisera Awards in 2020

2020 has been a very different year in regards to conference participation. While many meetings moved online, Agrisera still contributed to conferences and workshops held worldwide, with The Best Talk and The Best Poster awards, which were granted on 15 meetings. Awardees received a diploma and could choose any product from the Agrisera catalog, free of charge. We also offered an interactive quiz with a prize, as well as free shipment of Agrisera Educational Posters, which was very appreciated

The Global Plant Events Calendar provides a comprehensive overview on worldwide plant conferences, with over 350 registered events. These include online events, like webinar series, workshops and congresses, which became a growing category this year. 

In January 2021, the calendar, which is an initiative of Agrisera and ASPB/Plantae, will celebrate its second anniversary.
Read more 2020-12-07
 Agrisera blog


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