Agrisera blog

One set, two ECL reagents with different sensitivities, helps with versatile detection

Agrisera outstanding ECL reagents

A given laboratory may aim to detect different proteins of varied expression levels, in the tissue being analyzed. Agrisera offers a unique pack of combined reagents, with two different sensitivities. This allows more versatile detection, of high and medium abundancy proteins (Agrisera ECLBright), as well as low abundancy proteins (AgriseraECL SuperBright). Depending on the target protein that we aim to detect, different detection reagent needs to be used, and Agrisera offers this possibility provided in the same set

In the example above, the aim was to detect a highly abundant photosynthetic protein, PsbA. Using Agrisera anti-PsbA antibodies (AS05 084), a matching secondary antibodies of high titer, goat anti-rabbit, HRP-conjugated (AS09 602) and Agrisera ECL reagent of extreme low femtogram detection range (AgriseraECLSuperBright), resulted in prominently increased background signal. Choosing the other reagent, provided in the Agrisera ECL set, gave the possibility to optimize the result in a very swift manner. There is no need to repeat the whole procedure, as the membrane can be subjected to a wash and developed with less sensitive ECL. It is oftentimes not the primary antibody that contributes to increased background, but rather high load/well, combined with a too sensitive detection reagent.

We are always keen to discuss your results and advice promptly. Contact Agrisera support either using a chat button on the website or by email to [email protected]

Read more 2023-01-27

Agrisera Western blot workshop at Wrocław University

On the 23rd of January, Agrisera conducted the workshop "Western blot – a technique possible to optimize" for researchers and students at the Department of Biological Sciences, Wrocław University, Poland. The workshop was held by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. The meeting gathered 80 participants and was 2 hours long. During the break, the attendees could participate in a quiz, and had a chance to win two ECL reagents with different sensitivities (AS18 SecondaryECL), or a book on photosynthesis. All attendees are very welcome to contact Agrisera with any Western blot and antibody-related questions you may have in the future. Agrisera's Western blot troubleshooting guide, antibody production posters, educational posters and pens were offered to all who attended.  

Thank you for your particiption and valuable insights!
   Agrisera Western blot workshop at Wrocław University

Read more 2023-01-25

Take an advantage of high performing price-worthy Agrisera secondary antibodies

Secondary antibodies conjugated to HRP (Horseradish peroxidase) and ALP (Alkaline phosphatase) enzymes are most frequently used to visualize target proteins in Western blot, ELISA and immunolocalization. When using secondary antibodies conjugated to HRP, the detection is performed using chemiluminescence (recorded by a CCD camera or another imager), which gives high sensitivity and good resolution in both Western blot and chemiluminescent ELISA. When using antibodies conjugated to ALP, visualization of the antibody binding to the target is achieved using chromogenic reagents, and no CCD camera is necessary.  

Agrisera's secondary antibody collection is composed of over 220 antibodies; both highly purified and available in a basic format, suitable for Western blot, as well as adsorbed to serum from a wide range of animal species, suitable for immunolocalization and ELISA. Based on the analysis of antibody performance in available publications, conducted by CiteAB, it became very clear that Agrisera secondary antibodies are performing above market average. This means that Agrisera secondary antibodies conjugated to ALP or HRP can be used at high dilutions and are price-worthy reagents, and will provide you with a consistent performance over many experiments.



We are always eager to provide prompt advice on which Agrisera secondary antibody is best suited for the experiments you aim to perform.

Contact us at
[email protected]!

Read more 2023-01-24

Fourth anniversary of the plant community resource - The Global Plant Events Calendar

4th Anniversar of the Global Plant Events Calendar

The Global Plant Events Calendar was initiated on January 2nd, 2019 as a mutual effort of Plantae and Agrisera, to provide the plant community with a comprehensive list of worldwide events. Over the last four years, hundreds of various events have been listed in the calendar, making it easy for plant researchers to receive a quick overview of available events. The calendar lists conferences and meetings held in person, as well as online events, webinars and workshops on different topics relevant to plant biology. 

Today, The Global Plant Events Calendar is the most comprehensive list of worldwide events for the plant community.

If you are not familiar with the calendar, this short video will show you how to use it. You are welcome to submit a meeting you are organizing!

Stay informed! Follow the calendar on Twitter @PlantSciEvents
Read more 2023-01-20

Agrisera Western blot workshop, at the Institute of Experimental Cell Biology, UAM, Poznań, Poland

On the 18th of January, Agrisera conducted the workshop "Western blot – a technique possible to optimize" for researchers and students at the Institute of Experimental Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. The workshop was held by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. The meeting, 2 hours long, was interactive, with lots of valuable questions. During the break, the attendees could participate in a quiz, and had a chance to win two ECL reagents with different sensitivities (AS18 SecondaryECL), or a book on photosynthesis. All attendees are very welcome to contact Agrisera with any Western blot and antibody-related questions you may have in the future. Agrisera's Western blot troubleshooting guide, antibody production posters, educational posters and pens were offered to all who attended.  

Thank you for your particiption and valuable insights!
   Agrisera Western blot workshop, Institute of Experimental Cell Biology, UAM Poznan, Poland

Read more 2023-01-19

Take advantage of broad species reactivity of Agrisera antibodies to enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism

Broad species reactivity

Agrisera antibodies to enzymes involved in nitrogen metabolism have the following, unique features:
  • Broad species reactivity, including both di- and monocols and microalgae
  • Can be used in dilutions of >1: 1000 in Western blot
  • Extensive publication record
  • Promptly and environmentally-friendly delivery

Nitrogen metabolism is one of the fundamental processes in plants, as nitrogen is a constituent of amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamines, alkaloids and even some growth hormones. Agrisera's nitrogen metabolism antibody collection targets key enzymes of nitrogen metabolism in plants.

Antibodies to enzymes involved in plant and algal nitrogen metabolism

Browse the whole colleaction here.

Whole collection is offered with a 20% discount until end of March. Discount code is Nitro20

Read more 2023-01-13

Agrisera participates and supports conferences in 2023

Agrisera will participate in the following meetings in 2023:

3rd INUPRAG Symposium on Integrative Plant Biology, 21st-22nd of February, Umeå Plant Science Centre, Umeå, Sweden
The 33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, 5th-9th of June, Chiba, Japan
Nordic Photosynthesis Congress and Nordic Algae Symposium, 19th-21st of June, Umeå, Sweden
Plant Biology Europe, 3rd-6th of July, Marseille, France
Plant Biology 2023 (ASPB), 5th-8th of August, Savannah, Georgia, USA
11th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, 19th-22nd of September, Poznań, Poland
KBC Days 2023, November, Umeå University, Sweden 

Agrisera supports the following meetings in 2023:

Umeå Center for Microbial Research Day (UCMR Day 2023), 19th of January, Umeå University, Sweden
36th Molecular Biology of Plants (MBP2023), 6th-9th of February, Bonn, Germany
20th Scientific Conference of the Phycology Section, 12th-14th of March, Jena, Germany
19th International Workshop on Plant Membrane Biology, 27th-31st of March, Taipei, Taiwan
ATSPB 2023: Plants in the context of food security, biodiversity and climate change, 13th-15th of April, Tirol, Austria
32nd Western Photosynthesis Conference, 28th-30th of April, Bodega Bay, California, USA
5th Conference of the International Plant Proteomics Organization, 22nd-25th of May, Thesaloniki, Greece
IPG 2023 Symposium - Redox Regulation of Plant Stress and Development, 23th - 26th of May, University of Missouri, USA
6th UNIGE PostDoc Day, 8th of June at the University of Geneva, Switzerland
Chlamy2023, The 20th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, 4th-9th of June, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
Plant Biology 2023, XXV Meeting of the Spanish Society of Plant Biology, 9th-12th of July, Braga, Portugal
4th International Brassinosteroid Conference, 16th-18th of August, Ghent, Belgium
Plants and People, 6th-7th of September, Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam, Germany
Research Day, 20th of September, Oslo, Norway
11th Conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, 19th-22nd of September, Poznań, Poland
2nd International Conference on Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (ICPSBB), 25th-30th of September, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
12th SPPS PhD conference PhD 101: Everything is hard before it gets easy, 27th-29th of September, Lund, Sweden
4th Annual Congress of Young Researchers (ACYR), 9th-10th of October, CRAG auditorium, Spain
49th Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Conference, , 27th-29th of October, Turkey Run State Park, USA
The Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB), Eastern Regional Meeting, 1st-2nd of December, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.


The Global Plant Science Events Calendar

In The Global Plant Science Events Calendar, you will find the most up-to-date information about worldwide conferences, congressed and even online events.

This community resource celebrates its 4h anniversary in January 2023. 

Read more 2023-01-02
 Agrisera blog


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