Agrisera blog

Agrisera at Auxentric meeting at SLU in Umeć

Between the 27th and 29th of February, Agrisera attended The Auxentric Meeting, organized by Professor Stéphanie Robert, at UPSC. The meeting was held at SLU's facilities in Umeå.

Researchers from institutions around Europe were gathered at this meeting, focused on auxin transport, auxin involvement in plant development and cell shape aquisition.

Agrisera Best Talk Prize was awarded to Mark Bal from John Innes Centre, the UK, for the talk "Two auxins are better than one: Duplicated auxins in pea fruit development".

Thank you to everyone who came by Agrisera's table, for the nice chats and interesting discussions!
   Agrisera at Auxentric meeting at SLU in Umeå
Left to right: Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Isabel Salén
Read more 2024-02-29

Take advantage of a new filter function to find the antibody you need

You can now filter the products in any product category, to easier find the item you are looking for.

For all Agrisera primary antibodies, you can filter by:
  • Confirmed reactivity: The antibody has been confirmed to be reactive in the species in question, experimentally
  • Predicted reactivity: The antibody has been confirmed to be reactive in the species in question, through sequence homology
  • Tested applications: The applications in which you can use the antibody in question
  • Clonality: Polyclonal/monoclonal

For all Agrisera secondary antibodies, you can filter by:
  • Host: The host species for the antibody in question
  • Conjugation: ALP, Biotin, a wide range of Fluorencent dyes, HRP and Unconjugated
  • Tested applications: The applications in which you can use the antibody in question

In case of any questions, you are always welcome to contact us!
   Agrisera filters
Read more 2024-02-28

Marchantia polymorpha - find suitable antibodies for this model species

Marchantia polymorpha is an interesting model species of large thalloid liverwort, in the class Marchantiopsida. M. polymorpha is highly variable in appearance and contains several subspecies. This species is dioicous, having separate male and female plants. It offers different advantages as a model species, including:

  • Short life cycle
  • Ease of propagation and crossing
  • High frequency of transformation
  • Haploidy
  • Small genome (approximately 280 Mb)

Agrisera offers antibodies for various proteins of this model species. Browse available antibodies here.

Can not find an antibody you are looking for? Contact us
   Marchantia polymorpha

Find out about other alternatives to Arabidopsis thaliana, in the post from Plantae.
Read more 2024-02-20

Organelle specific HSP70 antibodies

Heat-shock protein 70 (Hsp70) is the major stress-inducible protein in vertebrates, and is highly conserved throughout evolution. Hsp70 works as a molecular chaperone, and plays an important role in how cells cope with acute stressor insult, especially those affecting the protein machinery. Heat shock cognate protein 70 (HSC70) is a highly conserved protein, and a member of the family of molecular chaperones.

Below you can fin Agrisera antibodies to plant HPS70 target isoforms, located in different cellular compartments: 
These antibodies are developed to short synthetic peptides, unique for each isoform, and each antibody has been used in numerous publications. 

Until end of March 2024 all antibodies related to environmental stress are offered with a 20% discount, when using discount code Stress20.
Agrisera anti-HSP70 (plant) antibodies
Read more 2024-02-16

Agrisera Western blot workshop in person at Uppsala University

On February 16th, Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager, will conduct a Western blot workshop in person for researchers at Uppsala University. Joanna will share her extensive knowledge and vast experience of 20+ years of using this widely employed protein analysis technique.

The workshop is going to consist of two parts, including a 10-minute break for coffee and the Agrisera Antibody and Western blot Quizzes. 

Participants will have a chance to win an Agrisera high-titer secondary antibody and 2 ECL reagents, in quizzes with questions about antibodies and the Western blot technique.

  Agrisera Western Blot Workshop at Uppsala University

Read more 2024-02-15

10% discount on all directly conjugated primary antibodies

Using directly conjugated primary antibodies will help shorten both Western blot and immunolocalization procedures, as the secondary antibody incubation step is not necessary. Agrisera offers directly conjugated, antigen affinity purified primary antibodies to proteins involved in:

These antibodies are offered directly conjugated to: 
  • Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)
  • Biotin 
  • Fluorophores: DyLight® in the range of 350 to 850 nm
  • Horse radish peroxidase (HRP)
A primary antibody must be in antigen affinity purified, to allow the conjugation to an enzyme or a dye. 
Take a look at a complete list of available directly conjugated primary antibodies here.

The 10% discount for this product group is offered until end of December 2024. 

  Agrisera directly conjugated primary antibodies for plant and algal research

Read more 2024-02-08

New free-of-charge images for download added!

As a gift for the plant science community, Agrisera offers over 60 free-of-charge schemes and images for download, to use on your website and in your publications!

New images added, include common plant model species, electron transfer cofactors and AGO proteins.

Please cite SciGrafik and Agrisera as the source for these images.

Browse all the images here
 Free schemes for plant science to download
Read more 2024-02-06

Agrisera distributor in India, Biogenuix on the Annual Meetiong of Plant Tisssue Culture Association

Between January 23rd and January 25th, one of Agrisera's distributors in India, Biogenuix, attended the 45th Annual Meeting of Plant Tissue Culture Association. 

The goal of this meeting was to provide a platform for students, researchers and scientists to present their work, and exchange the most recent developments in plant science. 

Agrisera's product catalog and flyers were available for participants. 

Biogenuix representing Agrisera at Annual Meeting of Plant Tissue Culture Association
Image courtesy of Biogenuix. 
Read more 2024-02-01

Agrisera Western blot workshop with BiotechnoLabs, Agrisera distributor in India

On January 30th, Agrisera conducted a free online Western blot workshop together with our distributor in India, BiotechnoLabs. The workshop was also opened for worldwide participation. We had the pleasure to connect with researchers from India, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, Portugal, France, Germany and the UK.

The workshop was presented by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. Joanna shared her extensive knowledge and vast experience of 20+ years of using this widely employed protein analysis technique.

The workshop consisted of two parts, including a 10 minute break for coffee and the Agrisera Antibody and Western blot Quizzes, which were very well attended. Many interesting questions were asked. 

Participants also had a chance to win an Agrisera high-titer secondary antibody and 2 ECL reagents, in quizzes with questions about antibodies and the Western blot technique.

Each participant of the workshop received a pdf of the presentation, with links to additional information, as well as the recording of the workshop for the future use.  

Agrisera online Western blot workshop

If you are interested in this type of online workshop to be held at your institution, please contact us!
 Some feedback we received after the workshop: 

"Many thanks for the wonderful presentation. We really enjoyed the informative presentation."

"Thank you again for the very Interesting and Informative Workshop. I would like to ask if It would be possible for me to receive the PowerPoint, since it was very well-made, and I'd like to share it with some coworkers."

"Thank you for such an informative and helpful presentation! You've answered many questions I had (and even some I didn't know I had!) about Western Blots."

"I participated in your amazing presentation today and I would like to receive the recording, presentation and certificate."

Agrisera online Western blot workshop

Images of workshop participants, courtesy of Brajendra Tripathi.
Read more 2024-01-31

Planning your conference attendance in 2024? Check the Global Plant Events Calendar, for conferences, workshops and online events

The Global Plant Events Calendar, a joint initiative of American Society of Plant Biology (ASPB/Plantae) and Agriera, is providing a quick overview of conferences, congresses, smaller meetings, and online workshops and webinars, with the focus on plant science. 

Each year, over 200 events are listed, and the number is continuously growing. The listed events are curated to provide you high-quality events, and protect from irrelevant and so called "predatory" meetings. If you are organizing a meeting, you are welcome to submit it to the calendar. If you are planning your conference attendance, or search for possibilities to increase your knowledge, check the calendar!

For information on how the calendar was created, read an interview conducted by ASPB, with Agrisera's Technical Support Manager, Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund,  here.
 Global Plant Events Calendar, supported by Agrisera


Read more 2024-01-26

Antibodies to Heat Shock Proteins - useful tools in investigastion of plant responses to environmental stress

Heat Shock Proteins (HSP), are a family of proteins that play essential roles in protecting cells from stressors, such as high temperatures, and are involved in various cellular processes. Agrisera offers specific antibodies to HSP proteins, which can aid research in different areas, such as:

  • Monitoring Stress Conditions: Antibodies to plant HSPs can be used to monitor the expression levels of these proteins under different stress conditions, such as heat stress, and lead to understanding of  the plant's response to environmental challenges.
  • Understanding Cellular Responses: Antibodies can be employed to determine the cellular localization of specific HSPs. This information is valuable in understanding how these proteins function within different cellular compartments.
  • Molecular Biology and Biochemistry: Researchers can use antibodies to detect and quantify specific plant HSPs, providing insights into their expression patterns and regulation.
  • Immunoprecipitation: Antibodies can be used for immunoprecipitation studies to isolate and analyze specific HSP-protein interactions. This helps in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying stress responses.
  • Biotechnological applications: Understanding the role of HSPs and their regulation can aid in the development of genetically engineered plants with improved stress tolerance. Antibodies can assist in validating the expression of these proteins in genetically modified plants.
  • Biomarker development: HSPs may serve as biomarkers for stress in plants. Antibodies can be used to develop diagnostic tools for assessing the stress levels in plants, which is essential for crop management.
  • Environmental monitoring: Antibodies can be applied to monitor the levels of plant HSPs in natural environments. This can be useful for assessing the impact of environmental stress on plant populations.
The antibodies to plant HSPs are versatile tools that aid researchers in exploring the intricate details of plant stress responses, molecular interactions, and potential applications in agriculture and biotechnology. These antibodies enable scientists to investigate the roles of specific HSPs, assess stress conditions, and develop strategies for improving plant resilience.

Browse the Agrisera HSP antibody collection, offered 20% off until end of March, here


 Agrisera antibodies to HSP proteins, 20 % off until end of March

Read more 2024-01-26

Agrisera supports the 15th UCMR Day at Umeć University

The 15th UCMR Day took place at Aula Nordica of Umeå University on the 18th of January, 2024.

This one-day conference is aimed at scientists and staff members within Umeå Centre for Microbial Research, UCMR, as well as collaboration partners and other researchers with an interest in microbial research or infection biology. The program offered inspiring keynote lectures, short talks, elevator pitches, and poster presentations, but first and foremost it is an excellent opportunity for networking and initiation of multidisciplinary collaborations.

The winner of Agrisera Best Talk Prize was awarded to PhD student Elin Hahlin, from the Department of Clinical Microbiology at Umeå University, for the talk "Co-infection of HAdV-F41 and AAV-2 as a possible aetiology behind acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children". She will be awarded an antibody of her choice from the Agrisera catalog.

Congratulations and awaiting your free antibody choice!
 Agrisera Best Talk Prize at UCMR 2024

Phd student Elin Hahlinfrom receives the diploma for Agrisera Best Talk Prize.  Picture by Anna Shevtsova. 


Read more 2024-01-22

20% off antibodies to proteins involved in plant environmental stress response

As environmental conditions are changing, plants have to adapt to cope, as they, unlike animals, are stationary and cannot move to another location. Adaptive mechanisms help plants survive and thrive in challenging conditions and include:
  • Osmotic adjustment
  • Antioxidant defense system
  • Change in root morphology
  • Stomatal regulation
  • Metabolic adjustment
  • Dormancy and shedding
  • Hormonal regulation
  • Symbiotic relationships
  • Epigenetic changes
and the synthesis of stress proteins, which help protect cellular structures and enzymes from damage caused by environmental stress.

These mechanisms collectively allow plants to adapt to their environment, and optimize their chances of survival in the face of various stressors. The specific strategies employed can vary depending on both the type of stress and the plant species involved.

Agrisera's antibody collection to proteins involved in plant stress response
has been developed over many years, in close collaboration with the scientific community.

You can browse our full environmental stress antibody collection, which is discounted by 20% until end of March 2024. Use the discount code Stress20.
 Antibodies to proteins involved in plant heat and drought response


Read more 2024-01-18

The Global Plant Events Calendar is celebrating 5th anniversary

Exactly 5 years ago, in January 2019, Agrisera and Plantae decided to launch The Global Plant Events Calendar to support the plant science community with a good overview of worldwide meetings, conferences and workshops, both in person and online. 

The calendar served as an important resource during the pandemic, when many meetings were cancelled or converted to online events. All events submitted to the calendar are curated, to exclude meetings that do not fit the plant community, as well as so-called "predatory conferences". 

"The calendar is about inclusion, education and quality. We promote smaller, local meetings along with the big, popular ones," says Agrisera's Technical Support Manager, Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, in a recent interview conducted by ASPB. 

She continues; "And you can think about it like this: if you dive into the cell and look at the organelles and research about it, and then if you take that up and translate it into the tree standing in the forest and being exposed to the climate, the calendar will cover almost every event remotely related to that process. So, this is a metaphor for what this calendar is really covering. It’s all the factors of plant science, internal and external. Big and small."

You are welcome to read the full story of the calendar in the interview by Rachel Belsky, ASPB Peer Review & Content Review Coordinator.

On average, there are around 200 meetings listed in the calendar each year. Over the last few years, the calendar has become recognized by organizers of highly recognized meetings, such as GRC (Gordon Research Conferences) and the Global Plant Council.

5th Anniversary of The Global Plant Events Calendar

Read more 2024-01-16

Discover the advantages of Agrisera detection reagents for ELISA

Agrisera offers detection reagents for ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay), a widely used laboratory technique, employed for detecting and quantifying the presence of specific proteins, antibodies, peptides, hormones, or other substances in a sample. It is a highly sensitive and specific immunological assay, based on the principles of antigen-antibody interactions.

Visualization of antibody binding is usually performed using a secondary antibody, linked to an enzyme like Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), or Horse Radish Peroxidase (HRP). A substrate specific to the linked enzyme is then added, and visualization is achieved as described below.

Colorimetric detection:
If a chromogenic substrate is used, the enzyme catalyzes a reaction that produces a colored product. The intensity of the color is proportional to the amount of the target substance in the sample. The color change is quantified using a spectrophotometer.

Chemiluminescent detection: If a chemiluminescent substrate is used, the enzyme catalyzes a reaction that produces light. The emitted light is measured using a luminometer. The advantages of chemiluminescent ELISA include its high sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and suitability for quantitative analysis. It is commonly used in various fields, including clinical diagnostics, research laboratories, and pharmaceutical development, where the accurate measurement of protein concentrations is crucial due to its versatility, sensitivity, and ability to handle numerous samples simultaneously.

Until the end of March 2024, Agrisera offers 15% discount on all detection reagents.

Use a discount code: Detect15 and order today!

Agrisera ELISA detection reagnets

Agrisera chromogenic and chemiluminescent detection reagents for ELISA offer unique sensitivity at competitive pricing, and skilled technical support to help you to set up the experiments. 

Read more 2024-01-12

Investigation of protein-protein interactions with Agrisera anti-TurboID antibodies

Protein-protein interactions in crop plants can be studied using transient TurboID-based proximity labeling. 

In the recent publication  "Protocol to identify protein-protein interaction networks in Solanum tuberosum using transient TurboID-based proximity labeling" from the Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands, authors Li Shi et al. described the methodology of transient expression of constructs of a protein under investigation, fused to TurboID, and the identification of protein-protein interactions in potato leaves.

The publication describes a detailed protocol for preparation of plant material and transgene desing, as well as protein identification, using Agrisera's anti-TurboID antibody (AS20 4440). The authors also discuss limitations of the protocol, and provide suggestions on how to adress them. 
Steps of the protocol include: 
  • Design and Construction of TurboID Fusion Protein with the protein of interest (POI).
    The TurboID enzyme biotinylates nearby proteins within a certain radius (typically tens of nanometers) when activated by the addition of biotin-tyramide and hydrogen peroxide.
  • Expression of POI with TurboID. After expressing the TurboID fusion proteins, cells are treated with biotin-tyramide and hydrogen peroxide to activate TurboID. TurboID then catalyzes the covalent attachment of biotin to nearby proteins within its labeling radius.
  • Protein Extraction: Biotinylated proteins are enriched using streptavidin beads or other methods, isolating the proteins that were in close proximity to the TurboID-fused protein.
  • Protein Identification by Mass Spectrometry. The enriched protein sample is subjected to to mass spectrometry for identification. This helps identify the proteins that were labeled by TurboID.
  • Validation. Identified protein-protein interactions are often validated using additional experimental techniques, such as Western blot.
   Agrisera anti-TurboID antibodies
Read more 2024-01-02

Agrisera contributions in 2023 for worldwide plant and algal research community

Agrisera Contribution to Plant and Algal Research community in 2023

In 2023, Agrisera supported the Plant and Algal Research Community worldwide in different ways:
  • 22 Agrisera Best Poster Prizes and Agrisera Best Talk Prizes were awarded at conferences worldwide 
  • Agrisera was present at 7 meetings in 2023, and in total we supported 29 worldwide meetings
  • Several winners of the Agrisera Online Quizes received either a book on photosynthesis or Agrisera set of high-titer secondary antibodies and ECL reagents
  • Hundreds of new antibodies were released in 2023
  • 11 technical online workshops were conducted, which gathered hundreds of participants
  • Technical tips were shared in 14 technical blog posts
  • Over 2000 hard copies of Agrisera's Educational Posters were distributed to research laboratories worldwide
  • Over 100 free antibodies were offered to the community
We are happy to contribute to the growth of the scientific community worldwide, and hope to meet you during coming conferences and workshops in 2024!
Read more 2023-12-31

Agrisera supports CSPB-SCBV Eastern Regional Meeting 2023

Agrisera supported the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists (CSPB), Eastern Regional Meeting, held the 1st to 2nd of December, at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada.

Meeting topics:
  • Growth & development
  • Abiotic stress
  • Plant-pathogen interactions
  • Cell biology
Featured Speakers:
  • Dr. Mehran Dastmalchi, McGill University
  • Dr. Thomas DeFalco, University of Western Ontario
  • Dr. Shelley Hepworth, Carleton University 

Agrisera's Educational Photosynthesis Posters were available for free for all conference participants, along with the Agrisera Product Catalog, and very popular Western Blot Troubleshooting Guide. 

   Agrisera at CSPB-SCBV Eastern Regional Meeting 2023
Read more 2023-12-14

Shipment days at the end of the year 2023

Agrisera in December 2023

Over the coming holidays, the Agrisera office will be open on all weekdays, except the 25th-26th of December, 2023, and the 1st of January 2024.

The last day for shipments in 2023 will be on Wednesday, December 20th.
Shipments will resume on Monday, January 8th 2024.

Happy Holidays!
Read more 2023-12-11

Agrisera international, online, Western blot workshop

On the 7th of December, Agrisera conducted an online Western blot workshop together with our distributor in the UK and Ireland, Newmarket Scientific. The workshop was originally dedicated to researchers from the UK and Ireland, but was later opened for worldwide participation. Researchers from 13 countries all around the world joined Agrisera online event. We had the pleasure to connect with researchers from Australia, Japan, India, Czech Republic, Poland, Spain, Portugal, France, UK, Germany, Croatia, Canada and the US. 

The workshop was presented by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. Joanna shared her extensive knowledge and vast exprience of 20+ years of using this widely employed protein analysis technique.

The workshop consisted of two parts, including a 10 minute break for coffee and the Agrisera Antibody and Western blot Quizzes, which were very well attended. Many interesting questions were asked. 

Participants also had a chance to win an Agrisera high-titer secondary antibody and 2 ECL reagents, in quizzes with questions about antibodies and the Western blot technique.

Each participant of the workshop received a pdf of the presentation with links to additional information, as well as the recording of the workshop for the future use.  

  Some feedback which we received after the workshop: 

"The workshop was fascinating; I did not know many details about Western. It was fun!"

"Thank you for all the insights and your expertise ! I will try to convince everyone using the Western blot technique in my lab to optimize their protocol instead of using always the same one !"

"Thank you very much for all the helpful information. "

"The ppt. was very helpful and informative. "

If you are interested in this type of online workshop to be held at your institution, please contact us!

Read more 2023-12-08

Check new Agrisera 2024 Catalog

The Agrisera 2024 Product Catalog with the most recent product updates and links to product pages, is now available to browse online. The catalog lists following products: 

The catalog also contains useful information about:
  • The Global Plant Events Calendar, which is a community resource, developed by ASPB/Plantae and Agrisera, that lists both in-person and online conferences, workshops and webinars, all around the world. 
  • Agrisera Educational Posters, developed in collaboration with researchers from specific fields, available for download and to request as hard copies. 
  • Agrisera Free Images, extracted from educational posters, offered for free use in presentations and publications.

You are welcome to browse the online catalog to receive a good overview on Agrisera collection!
  Agrisera Product Catalog 2024

To order a card copy of Agrisera 2024 catalog, please contact us

Read more 2023-12-07

Agrisera Prize at Umeć Plant Science Centre 2023

Our warmest congratulations to Dr. Marta Derba-Maceluch who received the 2023 Umeå Plant Science Centre (UPSC) Agrisera Prize!

Marta was awarded the prize to acknowledge her significant contributions in cell wall biochemistry research, her dedication to provide excellent technical support for users of the UPSC Microscopy Facility, and her commitment to maintain a safe work environment at UPSC.

The UPSC Agrisera Prize is awarded every year to a person working at UPSC, and this year's prize was announced on the 6th of December during the traditional UPSC Christmas Celebration.

Every year, anyone working at UPSC can nominate a colleague for the award. Based on the written nominations, the members of the UPSC board vote to select the winner, and the prize is a travel voucher, sponsored by Agrisera. 

"The prize gives us the opportunity to thank our personnel for their work and commitment. It is always very difficult to choose between the candidates, as they all highly deserve this prize," says Rishikesh Bhalerao who announced the winner of the prize this year.
 Agrisera UPSC Prize 2023

In the image, left to right: Dr. Catherine Bellini (UPSC), Dr. Marta Derba-Maceluch (UPSC) and Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund (Agrisera).

Read more 2023-12-07

Agrisera in person & online workshop at KBC, Umeć University

On the 29th of November, Agrisera conducted an in-person and online Western blot workshop for researchers from Umeå University, Sweden. In spite of a severe snow storm, many researchers arrived or joined online. The workshop was held by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. Joanna shared her extensive knowledge and vast exprience of 20+ years of using this widely employed protein analysis technique.

Participants also had a chance to win an Agrisera high-titer secondary antibody and 2 ECL reagents, in quizzes with questions about antibodies and the Western blot technique.

Each participant of the workshop received a pdf of the presentation with links to additional information, as well as the recording of the workshop for the future use.  

Here are some comments we received on the workshop:
"Thank you again for the workshop, I really enjoyed it, and it was informative!" 
"Thank you for your time and efforts to put this together!"
"I enjoyed the workshop today. Super informative!"
"Thanks a lot for today's workshop. It was really helpful for a beginner like me."

A warm thank you to the KBC Information Office that helped arrange this event!
Agrisera in person and online workshop at KBC

If you are interested in this type of online workshop to be held at your institution, please contact us!

Read more 2023-12-01

Agrisera Western blot workshop with Labclinics, Agrisera distributor in Spain & Portugal

On the 28th of November, Agrisera conducted an online Western blot workshop together with our distributor in Spain and Portugal, Labclinics. The workshop was presented by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. Joanna shared her extensive knowledge and vast exprience of 20+ years of using this widely employed protein analysis technique.

The workshop consisted of two parts, including a 10 minute break for the Agrisera Antibody and Western blot Quizzes and coffee. Many pitfalls of the Western blot technique were discussed, based on specific experimental examples.

Participants also had a chance to win an Agrisera high-titer secondary antibody and 2 ECL reagents, in quizzes with questions about antibodies and the Western blot technique.

Each participant of the workshop received a pdf of the presentation with links to additional information, as well as the recording of the workshop for the future use.  The recording is also available on Agrisera YouTube channel

Agrisera Western blot workshop with Labclinics

If you are interested in this type of online workshop to be held at your institution, please contact us!

Read more 2023-11-30

Agrisera participates and supports conferences in 2024

Agrisera will participate in the following meetings in 2024

Auxentric 2024, February 27th-29th, Umeå, Sweden
2nd American Photosynthesis Congress
, June 3rd-6th, Georgia State University, USA
ASPB's Plant Biology 2024, June 22nd-26th, Honolulu, USA
ICAR 2024, July 15th-19th, UC SanDiego, USA
Plant energy management, molecular mechanisms and signalling, August 26th-28th, Umeå University, Sweden
Plant Meiosis Meeting, September 4th-6th, Poznań, Poland
International Conference of the German Society of Plant Sciences, September 15th-19th, Halle, Germany
KBC Days, November, Umeå University, Sweden

Agrisera supports the following meetings in 2024

33rd Western Photosynthesis Conference, January 5th-7th, Oracle, Arizona
15th UCMR Day 2024, January 18th, Umeå University, Sweden
37th Conference Molecular Biology of Plants, March 4th-7th, Germany
41st Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, April 12th-14th, Woods Hole MA, USA
BioLock, Wrocław University, Poland, May
9th Plant Biochemistry Symposium: Plant Metabolites and Signaling, May 13th-14th, Leibniz-Institute of Plant Biochemistry, Halle, Germany
IPG 2024 Symposium - Plant Hormones at the Intersection of Stress and Development, 21st-24th of May, University of Missouri, USA
13th International Coference for Plant Mitochondrial Biology, May 26th-30th, St Malo, France
International Society of Root Research, 12th International Symposium, June 2nd-7th, Leipzig, Germany
Postdoc Day 2024, 6th of June, UNIGE, Switzerland
Plant Communication: Understanding Signal Creation, Transmission, and Perception in Plant Systems, June 9-14th, New Hampshire, USA
Plant science to tackle climate change - SPS-CEPLAS Summer School 2024, June 16th-21st, Saint-Lambert-des-Bois, France
2nd European Congress on Photosynthesis Research, June, 25th-28th, Padova, Italy
Young Researchers Symposium on Plant Photobiology, July 3rd-5th, Utrecht, The Netherlands
International Symposium on Iron Nutrition and Interactions in Plants, July 8th-12th, Düsseldorf, Germany
Plant Epigenetics, July 10th-12th, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Soy2025 - 19th Biennial Cellular & Molecular Biology of the Soybean Conference, July 23rd-26th, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
SPPS 2024, August 27th-29th, Copenhagen, Danmark
12th European Workshop on the Biology of Cyanobacteria, September 3rd-6th, Seville, Spain
6th International Symposium on Plant Apoplastic Diffusion Barriers (PADiBa 2024), September 2nd-5th, University of Girona, Spain
International Symposium on Photosynthesis Research in honour of Eva-Mari Aro, September 8th-11th, Turku, Finland
12th Plant peptides and receptors meeting, September 11th-13th, Wageningen, The Netherlands
International Plant Proteostasis Conference, September 17st-20th, Vienna Biocenter, Austria
50th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Conference (MWSE PC). October 25th - 27th, 2024 at Turkey Run State Park in Marshall Indiana, USA


The Global Plant Science Events Calendar

In The Global Plant Science Events Calendar, you will find the most up-to-date information about worldwide conferences, congressed and even online events.

This community resource celebrates its 5th anniversary in January 2024. 

Read more 2023-11-10

Agrisera at KBC Days 2023

Between the 7th and 8th of November, Agrisera attended The KBC Days at the Chemical Biological Center of Umeå University

The KBC Days is an annual interdisciplinary conference, and this year's theme was "AI in research". The meeting had over 300 participants. 

PhD students held a 2-minute long elevator picth to present their work. After evaluation of the comeetee, PhD candidate Ololade Awoyomi was awarded The Agrisera Best Elevator Pitch Prize, for the talk "Salvaging dNTPs for mtDNA rescue". 

Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager participated in the discussion panel "From Academia to Industry", organized by the Postdoc Society.

Agrisera will be holding the technical workshop "Mastering Western Blotting Optimization: Expert Tips and Techniques for better results" for KBC in the end of November, in person as well as online.

If you are attending this workshop, you are welcome to send in your Western blot questions in advance!

 Agrisera at KBC Days 2023

Left to right: Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, at the Agrisera display. Dr. Stefan Björklund, awardee of the best elevator talk, PhD candidate Ololade Awoyomi, Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund.

Read more 2023-11-09

Loading control antibodies to histone 3, are suitable for immunofluorescence

Agrisera loading control antibodies to Histone H3 (AS10 710A) perform well in immunofluorescence, as shown in the image to the right. 

Confirmed reactivity of this antibody:
Arabidopsis thaliana, Oryza sativa

Predicted reactivity of this antibody:

Brassica oleracea, Capsicum annuum, Chlamydomonas acidophila, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Physcomitrium patens, Salicornia europaea, Solanum lycopersicum, Solanum sogarandinum, Solanum tuberosum, Vicia faba, Zea mays Brachypodium distachyon, Brassica napus, Hordeum vulgare, Nicotiana tabacum, Malus domestica, Medicago sativa, Nannochloropsis gaditana, Triticum aestivum, Pinus pinaster, Pisum sativum, Zea mays, Vitis vinifera, Volvox sp.

Species of your interest not listed? Contact us!

Benefit from our Loading Control Antibodies promotion, offering a 20% discount until the end of 2023. Use discount code LC20. 

   Immunofluorescence using anti-H3 antibodies
The experimental details of the protocol used can be found here, under the Application example tab.
Read more 2023-11-03

Agrisera antibodies are ranking 31st in the world based on publication record

We are proud to announce that according to a recent publication record analysis, conducted by CiteAB, Agrisera ranks 31st out of the 250 catalog antibodies suppliers that made it on the list. This list includes antibody providers worldwide, and is not limited to plant science.

Plant antibodies have been offered to the community by Agrisera for over 20 years, which has contributed to these excellent results.

Our product information sheets are regularly updated with newly published references

An overview on Agrisera publication record is available here.
   Agrisera high publication recrod
Read more 2023-11-03

Agrisera supports the 49th Midwest Southeast Photosynthesis Conference

Agrisera supported the 49th Midwest Southeast Photosynthesis Conference, held between the 27th and 29th of October in Turkey Run Inn, Marshall Indiana, USA.

The Midwest Southeast conference is an important platform for discussing new developments in photosynthesis research, from ultrafast spectroscopy to plant biology.

Keynote speakers, 2023:
  • Dr. Jennifer Bridwell-Rabb: "Metalloproteins in Chlorophyll Biosynthesis"
  • Dr. Himadri Pakrasi: "Photosynthesis and Nitrogen Fixation in a Unicellular Cyanobacterium"  

Agrisera's Educational Photosynthesis Posters are going to be available for free for all conference participants. 

Two researchers were awarded the book "Photosynthesis: solar energy for life", as the first prize in a well-attended Agrisera online quiz.
   Agrisera supports Midwest Southeast Photosynthesis Conference 2023
Read more 2023-10-27

Workshop or webinar on demand about Western blot technique

Western blot is the most commony used qualitative protein analysis technique. 

If you wish to obtain deeper insights to this technnique, Agrisera offers an on-demand online workshop, presented by our Technical Support Manager, Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund, who has over 25 years of experience with Western blotting. 

The workshop is suitable for any laboratory working with this protein detection method, on a wide range of different samples, like bacterial or algal cultures, cell cultures, as well as plant or animal tissues. 

A Q&A session is included in the workshop, and certificates of participation can be issued, if requested. Each participant will receive a pdf of the workshop presentation slides, and a recording of the wokshop. 

Take the opportunity and book a Western blot workshop today!
   Western blot workshop on demand
Read more 2023-10-27

Free epitope tag antibodies and 15 % off until end of the year

Epitope tag antibodies are the most frequently used antibodies in research. If an antibody specific to the protein under investigation is not available, one can instead use its recombinant version, and use an antibody specific to its fusion partner to achieve detection. 

Agrisera offers hundreds of epitope tag antibodies, both polyclonal and monoclonal, discounted by 15% until end of 2023. 

We are constatly developing new epitope tag antibodies, and currently we are offering the following antibodies free of charge, in return for results:

Ble tag | Cas9 | CBD-Tag | CBP-tag | E Tag | Glu-Glu Tag | Halo Tag | HSV epitope tag | KT3 epitope tag | mStrawberry | Rho1D4/1D4 Tag | S epitope tag | SNAP/Clip Tag | tdTomato | Trx Tag

Check out the full list of antibodies available for testing here.

   Agrisera epitope tag antibodies 15 % off until end of 2023
Read more 2023-10-20

Labclinics represented Agrisera at 4th Annual Congress of Young Researchers (ACYR)

Agrisera's distributor in Spain, Labclinics, represented Agrisera during the 4th Annual Congress of Young Researchers (ACYR), held between the 9th and 10th of October, at the Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), in Barcelona.

Topics of the sessions included: 

  • Plant responses to stress
  • Animal and plant genomics
  • Plant synthetic biology and metabolic engineering
  • Plant development and signal transduction

Researchers could collect Agrisera Educational Posters and Western blot guides at the Labclinics booth, and ask questions about our products. 

Thank you for your interest!
   Agrisera at ACYR 2023
Read more 2023-10-10

Take advantage of a 20 % discount for all loading control antibodies

Loading controls are useful tools, utilized to confirm that the same amount of protein is loaded across the gel. A good loading control is a housekeeping protein, expressed at high levels, that is not affected by the applied experimental conditions.

Advantages of Agrisera loading control antibodies are: 
  • Loading controls for plant and algal samples
  • Available off-the-shelf
  • Tested in a wide range of species
  • Cited in thousands of publications
  • Suitable for various applications
  • Target different comparments and MW

All loading control antibodies can be found here.

Agrisera loading controls are offered at a 20% discount until the end of 2023.

Use discount code: LC20
Valid October-December 2023

   20 % off loading control antibodies until end of 2023

Read more 2023-10-10

Agrisera supports International Conference on Plant Systems Biology and Biotechnology (ICPSBB)

Between the 25th and 27th of September, Agrisera participated in the 2nd International Conference on Plant systems Biology and Biotechnology (ICPSBB), in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. 

 The sessions covered the following topics:

  • Abiotic and Oxidative Stress
  • Bioinformatics and Computational Modelling
  • Biotechnology
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Genetics and Genomics
  • Molecular Biology
  • Molecular Breeding
  • Plant Signalling and Development
  • Plant Systems Biology

Agrisera sponsored the Best Poster Prize, which was awarded to Stacey Kerr from the University College Dublin, Ireland. Her poster title was "Using combinatorial transformation to produce valuable metabolites in plants".

The selection committee was composed of Prof. Robert Verpoorte (University of Leiden, The Netherlands), Prof. Paul Dijkwel (Massey University, New Zealand) and Dr. Pavel Kerchev (Mendel University, Czech Republic).


Agrisera supports ICPSBB conference 2023

Read more 2023-10-05

Agrisera Western blot workshop for researchers from Spain

On the 2nd of October, an online Western blot workshop was conducted for researchrers from Spanish institutions: IBVF and CSIC by Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, Agrisera's Technical Support Manager. Joanna shared her extensive knowledge and vast exprience of 20+ years of using this widely employed protein analysis technique.

The workshop consisted of two parts, including a 10 minute break for the Agrisera Antibody and Western blot Quizzes and coffee. Questions submitted by attendees were answered, and many pitfalls of the Western blot technique were discussed, based on specific experimental examples.

Participants also had a chance to win Agrisera high titer secondary antibody and 2 ECL reagents, in quizzes with questions about antibodies and the Western blot technique.

Each participant of the workshop received a pdf of the presentation with links to additional information as well as the recording of the workshop for the future use. 

Agrisera Western blot workshop for researchers from Spain
Feedback from the participants: "Thank you very much for the slides. Your talk was excellent. "

If you are interested in this type of online workshop to be held at your institution, please contact us!

Read more 2023-10-05

The Agrisera website has a new look!

You may have noticed an update in the design of the Agrisera website. Besides a new, cleaner look, the update has resulted in better overall responsiveness and some new, useful features. You can read more about all the updates and improvements here.

Agrisera was founded in 1985, and began the production of catalog antibodies for research in 1999. A few years later, in 2003, the Agrisera website was created, to allow customers to browse our antibody collection, and place their orders directly online.

To commemorate the new wesbite design, we have put together a collection with images of how our website has looked throughout the years:






Read more 2023-09-27

Agrisera at the 11th conference of the Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology

Between the 19th and 22nd of September Agrisera participated in 11th conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology, held in Poznań, Poland.

The conference gathered 260 researchers fom Poland, Germany, Sweden, The United Kingdom, Argentina and Brasil. The sessions covered the following topics:

  • Cell structure and function
  • Gene expression and plant development
  • Epigenetic and epitranscriptomic regulation of gene expression
  • Transport and intercellular communication
  • Mitochondria and chloroplasts in cell metabolism
  • Integrating plant functions via signaling molecules
  • Mechanisms of stress tolerance
  • Plant–microbe interaction
  • Plant secondary metabolites

Agrisera sponsored the 1st and 3rd place in the Best Poster competition.

Out of 165 posters, the Best Poster Prize was awarded to Joanna Wójtowicz, from the Warsaw University, for her poster "Unraveling the Role of Proteins, Lipids, and Pigments in Etioplast Prolamellar Body (PLB) Formation". She received a diploma and can choose an antibody of her choice from the Agrisera catalog, free of charge.

Zofia Szlachtowska,from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, who came in 3rd place, received a book on photosynthesis from Agrisera. 

The winners of the Agrisera Quiz, who received the book "Photosynthesis: Solar Energy for Life", are Anna Domańskaf from the University of Wrocław, and Máthéné Szigeti Zsuzsa from Biotechnológiai Intézet, Hungary.


 Agrisera at 11th conference of Polish Society of Experimental Plant Biology
Left image: Agrisera booth.

Right image, left to right: Joanna Wójtowicz (awardee), Michał Rurek (Organizing cometee), Joanna Porankiewicz Asplund (Agrisera).

Read more 2023-09-22

Suggest an antibody and be the first to use it!

The success of your research has been our focus for over 20 years. If you require antibodies to support your project, that are not available anywhere, you are always welcome to contact us with your antibody suggestion. We will promptly evaluate if it is feasible to produce an antibody to the protein you aim to detect. If it is, we will provide you with 50 µg of this antibody, antigen affinity purified and completely free of charge, within a couple of months. Please send us the gene ID or protein sequence in FASTA format for your suggested target, and we will promptly let you know if an antibody to this protein target can be included in the Agrisera catalog.

The Agrisera catalog has grown and developed over many years, through us listening to researchers' suggestions and requirements. Taking into account hundreds of model species in plant science, and thousands of proteins, we have created a comprehensive catalog of antibodies, and we are always working to further expand and refine our antibody collection.

Antibodies that are currently under development and available for testing are collected here.

To suggest a new antibody, please contact [email protected].

Looking forward to hearing from you!


 Antibody binding to a target protein
Read more 2023-09-15

High-titer secondary antibodies, conjugated to ALP can be combined with Agrisera TMB developing reagent

CCD cameras are often used for visualizing the binding of an antibody to a target protein, through chemiluminescent or fluorescent detection. In cases where a CCD camera is not available in the laboratory, secondary antibodies conjugated to alkaline phosphatase (ALP) can be used, and the reaction can instead be visualized using Agrisera TMB reagents. This way, medium and high abundancy proteins can be visualized easily, and the obtained results can be saved in the lab book (although please remember that there is a fading effect).

Take advantage of Agrisera high-titer secondary antibodies, offered with different hosts (rabbit, chicken, goat, donkey) conjugated with ALP enzyme, combined with Agrisera TMB solution, delivered together in one package with your primary antibodies.

ALP-conjugated secondary antibodies are discounted by 10% until end of 2023. Order easily online on the Agrisera website, or by sending your order to [email protected].

If you are not certain which secondary antibody to choose, our technical team will promptly answer all your questions.

 Agrisera BCIP/NBT ALP Substrate (100 ml)

Read more 2023-09-12

TurboID, valuable tool for researchers interested in studying protein-protein interactions and subcellular protein localization

TurboID is a proximity labeling technique used in cell biology and molecular biology research to study protein-protein interactions and subcellular protein localization. This approach has many great benefits, such as: 

  1. Rapid Labeling: Hence the name, TurboID. This technique has significantly faster labeling kinetics, compared to other proximity labeling methods, and can capture transient or short-lived protein interactions that might be missed by slower labeling techniques.

  2. Low Background Noise: TurboID exhibits low background noise, and is therefore less likely to produce false-positive results.

  3. Versatile Applications: TurboID can be used to study a wide range of cellular processes, including protein-protein interactions, protein localization, and protein dynamics.

  4. Specific Labeling: TurboID can be targeted to specific subcellular compartments or organelles, allowing researchers to focus on particular regions of interest within the cell.

  5. Compatibility with Multiple Host Systems: TurboID can be used in a variety of host systems, including mammalian cells, yeast, and other model organisms.

  6. Applicability to Proteomics: TurboID can be used in combination with mass spectrometry to identify proteins that interact with the target protein of interest. This can provide valuable insights into protein complexes and networks within the cell.

 Agrisera Turbo ID antibodies

Agrisera offers an excellent polyclonal antibody to TurboID. Check product information sheet here
Read more 2023-09-08

Agrisera supports Plants and People meeting at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology

Agrisera supported the 6th Plants and People (P&P) Conferences, organized by PhD students at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology, in Potsdam-Golm, Germany, between the 6th and 7th of September.

The theme for this year's Plants and People Conference was "Exploring Plan(t)s", which brought together a diverse collection of international speakers, both from academic and non-academic fields of plant science. The academic aspect of the conference featured talks on a multitude of subjects in plant biology, including photosynthesis, epigenetics, plant-microbe interactions, and metabolomics. 

Participants could pick up their own copies of Agrisera Educational Posters, and the Agrisera Best Poster Prize was awarded. 

  Plant and People Meeting 2023, Max Planck, Postdam, Germany
Read more 2023-09-07

You can rely on Agrisera's promises

Since Agrisera's start in 1985, we have always delivered on our promises, and if there are ever any delays in shipments, we inform you very promptly.

We pride ourselves in being, what our customers have described as: Prompt, collaborative and efficient. This is how we have been working to deliver catalog antibodies and reagents, worldwide, for over 20 years.

You can count on us, and plan your experiments with the confidence that the reagents will arrive on time.

Here we have collected some testimonials from our customers, regarding product quality, delivery time, technical support and our educational materials.

  Map of countries Agrisera is selling to
Read more 2023-09-01

Agrisera Educational Poster 7: Plant Argonautes, is available!

Agrisera Educational Poster 7 is the second poster in the series on epigenetics. The content was developed by researchers in the field, namlely Dr. Blake Meyers and Dr. Junpeng Zhan from the Donald Danforth Plant Science Centre (USA), Dr. Nicolas Bologna from the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (Spain), and Dr. Rebecca Mosher from the University of Arizona (USA). The contents were transferred into the graphical representation by Dr. Dmitry Shevela (SciGrafik), (Sweden).

You are welcome to download the pdf or request a hard copy of this very informative poster on plant Argonautes.

The first poster from the plant epigenetics collection, "Plant small RNAs", can be downloaded or the hard copy can be requested here

We always welcome your ideas and suggestions for new educational posters. Do not hesitate to tell us!

  Agrisera Educational Poster 7: Plant Argonautes


Read more 2023-08-26

Agrisera supports 4th Brassinosteroid meeting

Agrisera supported the 4th Brassinosteroid meeting, which took place between the 16th and 18th of August in Ghent, Belgium.  

Brassinosteroids are plant phytohormones that regulate plant growth, development and responses to various environmental stresses. There is an ongoing development in understanding of these processes which was discussed by the conference participants. 

   Brassinosteroid conference 2023, Ghent, Belgium
Read more 2023-08-25

Recent scientific publications, citing Agrisera antibodies

Agrisera antibodies can be found in thousands of scientific publications, with a publication record dating back to the year 1999.

Agrisera was awarded "Plant Science Antibody Supplier of the Year" by CiteAb. This is an award that gives light to the supplier with the most antibody citations related to plant science.

We are glad that Agrisera antibodies are supporting research in plant science, and promise to work hard to provide the community with an even wider range of quality products.

Below is a list of some recent scientific articles, citing Agrisera antibodies:
  • "Low-temperature and circadian signals are integrated by the sigma factor SIG5". Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to PsbD, PsaC and RbcL.

  • "The pentatricopeptide repeat protein EMP601 functions in maize seed development by affecting RNA editing of mitochondrial transcript ccmC". Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to Cyt c and AOX1/2.

  • "Sequence Characteristics and Expression Analysis of the Gene Encoding Sedoheptulose-1,7-Bisphosphatase, an Important Calvin Cycle Enzyme in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)". Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to SBPase.

  • "Light-independent regulation of algal photoprotection by CO2 availability". Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to LHCSR1, LHCSR3 and AtpB.

  • "Insights into genomic variations in rice Hsp100 genes across diverse rice accessions". Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to HSP101.

  • "Comparing plastid proteomes points towards a higher plastidial redox turnover in vascular tissues than in mesophyll cells". Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to RbcL, Lhcb1, GDC-H, IDH, Histone H3, Cat and UGPase.

  • "The plant FYVE domain-containing protein FREE1 associates with microprocessor components to repress miRNA biogenesis". Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to HYL1.

  • "Carbon assimilation in upper subtidal macroalgae is determined by an inverse correlation between Rubisco carboxylation efficiency and CO2 concentrating mechanism effectiveness"Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies and standard to RbcL.

  • "Poly(ADP-ribose)-binding protein RCD1 is a plant PARylation reader regulated by Photoregulatory Protein Kinases". Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to AOX1/2.

  • "Along with cyclic electron flow and non-photochemical quenching, water-water cycle is involved uniquely in alleviating Zn stress-caused photodamage in Melia azedarach". Link to article.
    - With Agrisera protein extraction buffer.

  • "Differential metal sensing and metal-dependent degradation of the broad spectrum root metal transporter IRT1". Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to IRT1.

  • "Exogenous hydrogen sulphide alleviates nodule senescence in Glycine max-Sinorhizobium fredii symbiotic system"Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to NifH and NodGS.

  • "Maize tubulin folding cofactor B is required for cell division and cell growth through modulating microtubule homeostasis"Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to Tubulin alpha chain.

  • "A Phytophthora nucleolar effector, Pi23226, targets to host ribosome biogenesis for inducing necrotrophic cell death"Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to L13-1.

  • "Rubredoxin 1 promotes the proper folding of D1 and is not required for heme b559 assembly in Chlamydomonas photosystem II"Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to PsbA and PsbD.

  • "CRISPRa-mediated transcriptional activation of the SlPR-1 gene in edited tomato plants"Link to article.
    - With Agrisera antibodies to PR-1.


Additional references

Read more 2023-08-18

Are you using another model species than Arabidopsis thaliana and lack specific antibodies?

Plant science has a plethora of species that are used as model organism. 

Arabidopsis thaliana: Perhaps the most widely used model species in plant science. It has a small genome, a short life cycle, and is easy to grow in a laboratory setting. A. thaliana has provided invaluable insights into plant genetics, development, and responses to various environmental factors. 
Oryza sativa (rice): A staple food for a large portion of the world's population. Its relatively small genome, and genetic similarities to other grass species, make it an important model species for studying crop genetics, as well as aspects of plant development and responses to stress.
Zea mays (maize): A major cereal crop. Its large size and genetic diversity have made it an important model species for studying genetics, development, and traits related to agriculture and bioenergy production.
Medicago truncatula: A model species for studying legumes. Legumes are important for their ability to fix nitrogen, as well as their nutritional value. Medicago is used to understand symbiotic relationships between plants and nitrogen-fixing bacteria, called rhizobia.
Physcomitrium patens: A model species for studying plant development and evolution. Mosses are simple plants that offer insights into early land plant evolution, and the transition from aquatic to terrestrial environments.
Brachypodium distachyon: A model grass species that is closely related to important cereal crops, like wheat, barley, and oats. It is used to study traits related to grain crops, including growth, development, and stress responses.
Nicotiana benthamiana: Often used for research in plant molecular biology, due to its relatively large leaves and the ease with which it can be transformed for genetic studies.
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: A single-celled green algae, widely used as a model organism for studying photosynthesis, cell biology, and genetics. It has contributed significantly to our understanding of chloroplast function, and has been explored for biofuel production.
Diatoms:  A major group of algae known for their intricate silica cell walls. They are important primary producers in aquatic ecosystems and play a vital role in the global carbon cycle.
Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green Algae): Often studied alongside algae, due to their similar ecological roles and photosynthetic abilities. They have been researched for their role in nitrogen fixation, harmful algal blooms, and potential use in biofertilizers and biofuels.

... and many more species!

With this in mind, Agrisera continuously develops new antibodies with broad species reactivity.

Get an overview of antibodies for over 30 different species here

Antibodies to model species in plant science

Agrisera Search by Species

Read more 2023-08-17

Agrisera at Plant Biology 2023, in Savannah, Georgia

Agrisera attended the Plant Biology 2023 conference (PB23), in Savannah, GA, USA, held between the 5th and 9th of August. Agrisera was represented by Edith Kalén and Chris Brown.

The conference covered topics such as Developmental biology, Plant hormones, Plant RNA and Environmental stress.

Thank you to everyone who visited Agrisera's booth to discuss antibodies and plant science, and to the conference organizers for yet another successful meeting!

Agrisera's Educational Posers were available free of charge at the conference. In case you did not get a chance to obtain copies, you can request them, free of charge, here.

Hope to see you again for Plant Biology 2024!


Top to bottom: Agrisera's booth at Plant Biology 2023, Fountain at Forsyth Park, Savannah.

Read more 2023-08-11

High-titer anti-rabbit HRP-conjugated antibody, 10% off until end of 2023

Benefit from Agrisera's high-titer goat anti-rabbit, HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies, which offer the following advantages:

  • Provided in 2 flexible sample sizes: 1 mg and 10 µl
  • Minimum dilution 1: 25 000 1h/RT incubation, which allows for hundreds experiments to be conducted
  • High sensitivity
  • Minimized background
  • Tested on a wide range of plant, algal and bacterial samples
  • Used in hundreds of publications
  • Lyophilized and delivered in ambient temperature, in an environmentally-friendly way

Use discount code Conj10 and benefit from a 10% discount until end of 2023!

Benefits of Agrisera goat anti-rabbit HRP conjugated, high titer secondary antibodies

Comparison of Agrisera's high-titer goat anti-rabbit HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies with a secondary antibody from another supplier.

More info: Do secondary antibodies differ only in pricing?

Read more 2023-08-10
 Agrisera blog



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