Exclusive Distributors

For customers in the United Kingdom and Israel, please order through our exclusive distributors for these regions.

Our exclusive distributors ensure safe and timely delivery of the items you order. These distributors have great knowledge of the customs clearance and import laws of their countries, which prevents prolonged and complicated import processes. Any potential difference in the prices of certain items, as compared to those on our website, is to cover e.g. customs fees and other logistics necessary for import into your country.

 United Kingdom
 Exclusive distributor
Newmarket Scientific 

Ph:  +44-1638-551-500 
Email: tech[at]nktscientific.com
Fax: +44-1638-590-481 

 Exclusive distributors
M. Stauber Biotec Applications Ltd 

Ph:  +972-8-9367001
Email: info[at]ms-biotec.co.il
Fax: +972-8-9367002


Ph: +972-3-934-9922
Email: orders[at]enco.co.il
Fax: +972-3-934-9876
