Anti-RbcL II | Rubisco large subunit, form II

Product no: AS15 2955
Yuko Cho
Immuocytochemical method was performed by this antibody diluted with Can-Get-Signal Solution A (1:10000) for a dinoflagellate. The signals localized in chloroplasts were clearly observed after staining with the fluorescently labelled 2nd antibody by the laser scanning confocal microscopy.
Y. Cho et al, Harmful Algae, in press. Available on-line until 7 March 2021, from the link
2021-01-23 @ 11:29:02
Michal Tracz
We used this form II RbcL antibody during expression screens to detect recombinant dinoflagellatea RbcL by WB of E. coli soluble protein lysates. We loaded around 15 micrograms of total protein per well, measured by bradford assay. It worked well with the recommended dillution and over night incubation in the cold room. We were not able to detect the target protein with the form I RbcL antibody from Agrisera. 2020-05-26 @ 17:17:10

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