Based on over 20 years of experience with troubleshooting hundreds of Western blot results, obtained on a wide range of different samples, we can share some insights for both beginners and experienced users of Western blot. How much do you know about the protein which you aim to detect? A recommended protein checklist includes: 
  • Biochemical properties
  • Expression level, can be checked in available databases: ePlant, Protein Abundance database
  • Organ localization, for collecting material with the highest amount of the target protein
  • Cellular localization, to consider cellular fractionation for proteins of low expression
Beginners tend to spend too little time with theoretical work, not collecting information about the protein to be detected, while experienced users seem to repeat the same protocol always used in the lab, skipping necessary adjustments for a new protein to be detected. 

Therefore, our advice is: study your protein through already available data first, and save your precious time in the lab! This way, your chances to succeed with the Western blot technique will considerably increase. 

  Antigen Antibody Binding

You are always welcome to contact Agrisera Technical Support with any antibody-related questions!
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