Our warmest congratulations to Aleksandra Urban from the Department of Molecular Plant Physiology, Institute of Environmental Biology, University of Warsaw, Poland, who received the Agrisera Best Student Poster Award during Plant Biology Europe 2021 conference.

The best student poster had the title "How light influences the rearrangements of super- and megacomplexes in the non-appressed thylakoid membranes of maize mesophyll chloroplasts?".
The theme of the poster is described in more details in the recent publication "Effect of light on the rearrangements of PSI super-and megacomplexes in the non-appressed thylakoid domains of maize mesophyll chloroplasts" Urban et al. (2020).  

The Agrisera Antibody Collection for the research on photosynthesis can be found here.

Good luck with your research! We are awaiting your free antibody choice! 

 Agrisera Best Student Poster Awardee on PBE21
 Agrisera blog

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