Agrisera blog

9th International Conference for Plant Mitochondrial Biology

ICPMB conference Poland

Between 18th and 21st of May Agrisera participated in 9th International Conference for Plant Mitochondrial Biology in Wrocław, Poland. The conference was attended by 200 researchers from 30 countries. 58 lectures and over 300 posters, lots of discussions and suggestions for future antibody development for plant mitochondrial proteins were received. Agrisera held a lecture: "Tips and tricks of antibody production and validation - how to obtain good results". Thank you for all the questions which we received afterwards. We enjoyed friendly atmosphere, guided tour in Wrocław by night - thank you Dr. Michał Rurek! and wonderful conference dinner.
Read more 2015-05-29

1st International Solar Fuels Conference

1st International Solar Fuels Conference Uppsala

Between 26th of April and 1st of May Agrisera participated in the 1st International Solar Fuels Conference organized by The Swedish Consortium for Artificial Photosynthesis. Opening of a meeting took place in an aula of the oldest university in Scandinavia, Uppsala University. Over 500 researchers participated in this first meeting which brought together both physical chemists and biologists involved in issues of solar fuels production. Thank you to all of our customers and collaborating partners who came by to talk to Agrisera, share your ideas and questions.
Read more 2015-05-04

International Solar Fuels-1 Young

SF-1 Young meeting in Uppsala

Between 24th and 26th of April Agrisera participated in satellite meeting of the 1st International Solar Fuels Conference in held in Ångstöm Laboratories in Uppsala. Over 130 young scientists joined from over 20 countries. Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund from Agrisera presented a workshop: "Antibody production and western blot, how to obtain good results?". Thank you to all for joining it, for all interesting questions and discussion. It was great to meet young and dedicated scientists. Thank you for inviting us to participate!

Read more 2015-05-04
 Agrisera blog


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