Agrisera blog

Agrisera participates in plant science conferences in 2011

The Agrisera team is eager to meet you duting the following meetings in 2011:

International conference on PLANT PROTEASES 2011 From biology to biotechnology, 10-14.04, Hemavan, Sweden
ASPB annual meeting, 6-10.08, Minneapolis, USA
Experimental Plant Biology in 3P Past, Present, Perspective , 6-9.09 Wroclaw, Poland
Botaniker Tagung 2011, 18-23.09, Berlin, Germany

Meetings sponsored by Agrisera in 2011:

Natural and Artificial Photosynthesic, 4-5.11, Pennsylvania, USA
20th Western Photosynthesis Conference 6-9.01, Asilomar, USA
Plant Transformation technologies II, 19-22.02, Vienna, Austria
Plant gene discovery technologies 23-26.02, Vienna, Austria
Specific light driven reactions in unicellular model algae, 25-27.03, Jena, Germany
28th Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, 1-4.04, Woods Hole, USA
Botanical Microscopy 2011, 16-21.04, The Netherlands
Molecular Bioenergetics of Cyanobacteria: From Cell to Community, 10-15.04, Sant Feliu de Guixols, Spain
22nd International conference on Arabidopsis Research , 22-25.06, Madison, USA
CO2 Assimilation in Plants: Genome to Biome, 30.05- 3.06, Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Society of Experimental Biology, 1-4.07, Glasgow, United Kingdom
10th International Conference on Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species in Plants, 5-8.07, Budapest, Hungary
Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society Congress 2011, 21-24.08, Stavanger, Norway
Photosynthesis research for sustainability, 23-30.07, Baku Azerbaijan
XXIV SPPS Congress, 25-27.08, Stavanger, Norway
Plant organellar signaling, from algae to higher plants, 31.08-3.09, Primošten, Chroatia
Moss 2011, 11.09-15.09, Black Forest, Germany
Botaniker Tagung 2011, 18.09-23.09, Berlin, Germany
Molecular Basis of Plant Stress, 21-23.09, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
20 Photosynthese workshop, 11.08-12-08, Münster, Germany
PR-proteins and induced resistance against pathogens and insects, 4-8.09, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Plant Abiotic Stress:From Systems Biology to Sustainable Agriculture, 17-19.11, Limassol, Cyprus

Planned Meeting support for 2012

21st Western Photosynthesis Conferemce, 5.01-8.01, Asilomar, USA
Havel-Spree-Colloquium, 17.01, Potsdam, Germany
Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance II, 22.02-25.02, Vienna, Austria
25rd Conference of Molecular Biology of Plants,  25.02, Dabringhausen, Germany
Journées de la Société Française de Photosynthèse, 24.05-25.05, Paris, France
SEB annual meeting, 29.06 -2.07, Salzburg, Austria
7th congress of young researchers of the French Society of Plant Biology, 4.07 -6.07, Grenoble, France
ASPB Plant Biology Meeting, 20.07-24-07, Austin, USA
Plant Biology Congress, 29.07-3.08, Freiburg, Germany
22nd Photosynthesis Workshop, 9.08-10.08, Mainz, Germany
Gordon Research Conference on Mitochondria and Chloroplasts, 29.07-3.08, Rhode Island, USA

Read more 2011-01-19
 Agrisera blog


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