We are celebrating the 1-year anniversary of the
Global Plant Events Calendar!
The Global calendar project was initiated on January 2nd, 2019 as a mutual effort of
Plantae and Agrisera to provide the plant community with a comprehensive list of worldwide events.
We hope that the calendar will provide a quick overview of plant meetings, conferences and congresses, to help you decide and plan which conference to attend. The calendar will also help promote a meeting, should you be organizing one. The calendar widget can easily be loaded on the conference website.
The Global Plant Events Calendar has already collected over 200 events! There are over 72 events registered for this year and even two events for 2021. We are looking forward to new conferences to be signed in and hope that we can cover most plant meetings taking place in the world.
Not familiar with the calendar yet? This
short video will show you how to use it.