Agrisera blog

Agrisera participates in conferences in 2017

Agrisera team is eager to meet you during the following meetings in 2017:

Umeå Renewable Energy Meeting, Umeå, Sweden
Root2017, 29.05-1.06, Umeå, Sweden
International Conference of Arabidopsis Research (ICAR), 19.06-23.06, St. Louis, USA
American Society of Plant Biology Annual Meeting, 24.06-28.06, Honolulu, USA
Nordic Plant Biology days 2017 - 27th SPPS Congress, Naantali, Finland
50 years of plant research, Umeå Plant Science Centre, 21.08-23.08, Umeå, Sweden
Germany International Congress of the German Society of Botanists, 17.09-21.09, Kiel, Germany

Meetings which are going to be supported by Agrisera in 2017:

26th Western Photosynthesis Conference (WPC2017), 5.01-8.01, USA
Molecular biology of plants, 21.02-24.02, Dabringhausen, Germany
Plant autophagy: Improving crop and energy production, 23.03-24.03, Madrid, Spain
National Conference on Biotechology and Environment, 10.04-11.04, New Dehli, India
ERPC 34rd Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, 28.04-30.04, Woods Hole, USA
Global Herbicide Resistance Challenge, 14.05-18.05, Denver, USA
Spanish Plant Physiology Society Annual Meeting, 26.06-29.06, Barcelona, Spain
SEB Annual Meeting, 3.07-6.07, Gothenburg, Sweden
GRC conference: Photosynthetic Plasticity: From the Environment to Synthetic Systems, 16.07-21.07, Sunday River Newry, ME, USA
Molecular control of flower development, 3.09-7.09, Italy
N-term 2017: Proteostasis via the N-terminus, 11.09-13.09, Halle, Germany
8th conference of the Polish Society of Experimental Biology, 12-09-16.09, Białystok, Poland
Cologne Excellent Women in Science International Symposium, 5.10-6.10, Cologne, Germany
Photosynthesis and hydrogen energy research for sustainability, 30.10-4.11, Hyderbad, India

Read more 2016-11-15

Antibody Production & Western blot - Skype Workshop

Agrisera antibody production and western blot workshop

On Friday 11th of November Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund from Agrisera conducted a Skype workshop for students from Leibniz-Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops in Germany. The workshop was focused on basics of successful antibody production and western blot trouble shooting. Many practical tips were given to support optimization of western blot technique and antibody validation. One of attendees provided following comment: "There were many things which were new to us. I hope we can now improve our Western Blot skills with the newly gained knowledge! Thanks a lot for your workshop!

To book Agrisera Skype Workshop about antibody production and western blot, please contact: [email protected]
Read more 2016-11-14
 Agrisera blog


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