Agrisera blog

Agrisera in Labtimes

Agrisera in Labtimes 2016

After 10 years since an article about Agrisera ("Is there an antibody out there?"), there is time to write about us again!
You will find the article on page 48 of this special issue.
Read more 2016-09-18

International Plant Proteomics Meeting, Bratislava 4-8.09

Agrisera on INPPO meeting Bratislava 2016

Between 4.09 and 8.09 Agrisera participate in 2nd International Plant Proteomics Organization world congress held in Bratislava, Slovakia. We were delighted to meet Agrisera old customers and collaborating partners which resulted in many valuable disussions and suggestions. Agrisera technical poster about antibody production and western blot trouble shooting received quite a lot of attention. Thank you so much for such a friendly atmosphere and very good organization!
Read more 2016-09-16
 Agrisera blog


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