Agrisera blog

Agrisera Western blot workshop for doctoral students

On the 10th of February, Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund, our Technical Support Manager, conducted an online workshop for doctoral students from the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland. The title of the workshop was "Western blot - technique possible to optimize".

The workshop was two hours long, including a short break. 16 very interesting questions, submitted by attendees, were answered, and many pitfalls of Western blot technique were discussed with specific experimental examples. 

Participants also had a chance to win Agrisera high titer secondary antibodies and 2 ECL reagents, in a quiz consisting of 10 questions about antibodies and the Western blot technique, conducted during the break.

Each participant of the workshop received a diploma of participation, Agrisera's Western blot guide, the Agrisera Educational Posters and our nice Agrisera two-in-one ballpoint and stylus pens. 

If you are interested in this type of online workshop for your students, do not hesitate to contact us!

 Agrisera Western Blot Workshop

Agrisera received the following thank you note from the Doctoral School and PhD students: "Our PhD students highly estimated the knowledge and practical advices they gained from the workshop. PhD students also highly appreciated the interesting format of the workshop. They are grateful for preparing a presentation especially for them, based on their questions and problems related to the use of the Western blot technique. A nice surprise was the quiz that allowed the PhD students to test their knowledge in a stress-free way and win a prize  Thank you also for the supporting materials provided by Agrisera." Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences. 
Read more 2022-02-21

The winner of Agrisera Antibody Quiz at MBP2022 is announced!

Our warmest congratulations to Maria Klecker, from the Department of Biology at the University of Bayreuth in Germany, who scored 10/10 on the Agrisera Antibody and Western blot quiz conducted during the 35th conference on Molecular Biology of Plants (MBP2022), taking place online between the 15th and 16th of February, 2022.

As the prize, Maria can choose any antibody from the Agrisera catalog, which will be delivered free of charge to her lab. 

Good luck with your research and Western blot technique!

We are awaiting your free antibody choice. 
 The Winner of Agrisera Antibody Quiz at MBP2022
Read more 2022-02-18

Migliore Laclaustra S.R.L - Agrisera new distributor in Argentina

This winter, Agrisera entered a collaboration with Migliore Laclaustra S.R.L, that will distribute Agrisera products in Argentina, joining the worldwide Agrisera distribution network of over 30 companies. 

Migliore Laclaustra S.R.L has been providing support for the scientific research market in Argentina since 1985, providing reagents and equipment for research and biotechnological use, with deliveries in the Federal Capital area and throughout the country. The company is representing internationally recognized companies from Europe and the United States. 

"We are hoping to support Agrisera customers in Argentina with high quality services!"

Agrisera distributors
 Migilore Laclaustra - Agrisera distributor in Argentina
Read more 2022-02-14

Agrisera participates and supports conferences in 2022

Agrisera is participating in the following meetings:

1st hormone, cell wall and morphogenesis workshop, 9.03-10.03, SLU, Umeå, Sweden
12th International Conference for Plant Mitochondiral Biology, 22.05-27.05, Malmö, Sweden
Pivotal Links 2022, 8th-9th June, Oxford, UK
32nd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2022), 20.06-24.06, Belfast, Irland
Plant Biology 2022, 9.07-13.07, Portland, Oregon, USA
KBC Days at Umeå University, November, Umeå, Sweden

Agrisera is supporting the following meetings:

Umeå Centre for Microbial Research Day at Umeå University, Sweden, 20.01
35th conference on Molecular Biology of Plants (MBP2022), 15.02-16.02, online
The 31st Western Photosynthesis Conference, 24.03-25.03, online
Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference, 22.04-24.04, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, USA
Elevating Nordic algal biotechnology: from fundamental photosynthesis to industry, 8.06-10.06, Biocity, Turku, Finland
59th meeting of the Polish Botanical Society, 26.06-3.07, Warsaw, Poland
4th Network Meeting of the UV4Plants Association, 3.07-6.07, Kraków, Poland
Plant Calcium Signaling Conference, 11.07-13.07, Milano, Italy
International Congress on Photosynthetic Research, 31.07-5.08, Dunedin Centre, New Zealand
17th International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes, 21.08-25.08, Liverpool, UK
Redox Biology Congress 2022, 24.08-26.08, Ghent, Belgium
Botanik-Tagung, International Conference of the German Society for Plant Sciences, 28.08-1.09, Bonn, Germany
29th congress of the Societas Physiologiae Plantarum Scandinavica (SPPS), 30.08-2.09, Svalbard, Norway
5th Conference on Plant Proteases, 5.09-7-09, Ljubljana, Slovenia
100th Anniversary of the Department of Plant Physiology, 15.09-16.09, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
The Plant Synthetic Biology Conference, 19.09-21.09, Barcelona, Spain
Swedish Bioinformatics Workshop, 27.10-28.10, Umeå University, Sweden
48th Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Meeting, 28.10-30.10, Marshall Indiana, USA
Canadian Society of Plant Biologists Eastern Regional Meeting, 3.12, University of Toronto, Canada
Annual Meeting of Chilean Society of Plant Biologists, 5.12-7.12, Chile


The Global Plant Science Events Calendar

In The Global Plant Events Calendar, you will find the most up-to-date information about worldwide conferences, congressed and even online events.

This community resource has been celebrating 3rd anniversary in January 2022

Read more 2022-02-08

Agrisera Best Poster Prize awarded during UCRM Day 2022, online meeting

Our warmest congratulations to Dr. Xiaotong Jia who was awarded the Agrisera Best Poster Prize, during the Umeå Centre for Microbial Research Day, which took place online on the 20th of January 2022 at Umeå University, Sweden.

Dr. Jia has been working on Vibrio cholerae cytotoxin and autophagy in host cells and the title of her poster was: "The Vibrio Cholerae cytotoxin MakA is a novel cholesterol-binding pore-forming toxin that induces non-canonical autophagy". 

Good luck with your research!
We are awaiting your free antibody choice! 
 Agrisera Best Poster Prize at UCRM Day 2022
Read more 2022-02-04

Agrisera at Uniaden 2022, Umeå University

On the 25th of January, Agrisera attended Uniaden, a fair organized each year at Umeå University, Sweden, to make students familiar with potential, future employers. Due to the pandemic, Uniaden 2022 was organized online. The interest in Agrisera as a future work place was quite substantial, with visits to our digital booth, chats and applications.

Agrisera at Uniada 2022 at Umeå University
Read more 2022-02-02
 Agrisera blog


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