Agrisera News

Agrisera X-mas gift to We Agroforestry

As a X-mas gift, Agrisera supports "Vi Agroiforestry" - Where the trees grow, people grow!

Vi Agroforestry (Vi-skogen) is a Swedish development organisation focusing their efforts on the most exposed and vulnerable population of East Africa. Through agroforestry and strengthening of farmers’ organisations they empower small-holder farmer families to reduce poverty and hunger. At the same time they combat deforestation, climate change and contribute to increased biodiversity. So far, Vi Agroiforestry has contributed to planting over 141 million trees and supported more than 2.4 million people getting out of poverty. And together we can help more! Vi Agroforestry work in Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania - four countries that are severely affected by deforestation and climate change and that for many years have endured its devastating effects on both humans and the nature.
 Agrisera Supports Vi Agroforestry 2021

Read more 2021-12-23

State of the art Agrisera facility, officially opened!

In the end of November 2021, Agrisera's antibody purification, conjugation and catalog antibody facility, was officially opened. It is located in Umeå, Sweden, in near proximity of Umeå University and Umeå Plant Science Centre, Agrisera's valued collaboration partners.

The opening ceremony gathered over 35 of Agrisera's employees from both our facilities, in Umeå and Vännäs. Agrisera's founder and former CEO, Greger Nordlund, shared with us the most memorable moments of Agrisera's over 35 years long history.  

This was a very special moment for all of us, those who worked at Agrisera for over 10 or 20 years, as well as for those who just recently joined our team. 

We are looking forward to the future, where we will continue to produce innovative antibodies to support worldwide research in plant science, and human medicine, through Agrisera's partnership with Olink in the area of high quality proteomics. 
 Agrisera state of the art facillity in Umeå

Read more 2021-12-12

Awardees of Agrisera Awards 2021

In spite of the ongoing pandemic, the scientific community maintained its conference activity, with many meetings being conducted online or as hybrid events.

This year, Agrisera supported 29 worldwide meetings, with Agrisera Best Talk and Agrisera Best Poster awards. 

14 books "Photosynthesis Solar Energy for Life" were awarded and

16 awardees can choose any free antibody from Agrisera Antibody Collection.

Over 1500 of Agrisera Educational Posters were shipped worldwide

and hundreds of participants enjoyed Agrisera Quiz with prizes

We are happy to contribute to the growth of the scientific community worldwide and support meetings, workshops and conferences! We hope to continue with Agrisera support in 2022 and meet you either online or in person! 

 Awardees of Agrisera Awards in 2022

Coming conferences can be viewed in The Global Plant Events Calendar supported by Agrisera and maintained by Plantae
Read more 2021-12-11

15 % off Agrisera fluorescently conjugated secondary antibodies since 1st of January 2022

Fluorescently conjugated secondary antibodies

Agrisera offers 15% discount for all DyLight® conjugated secondary antibodies during the whole of 2022. These are stable and bright dyes, which cover the wavelength spectrum from 350 to 800 nm. Secondary antibodies are provided with a various degree of adsorption to serum and IgG proteins from different hosts, and are suitable for techniques like immunofluorescence or Western blot. 

Chose suitable DyLight® conjugated secondary antibodies from different hosts like: bovine | chicken | llama | guinea pig | goat | rabbit | mouse | rabbit | rat | sheep
Read more 2021-12-10

Awardees at the 47th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Conference

Our warmest congratulations to the Agrisera Prize awardees at the 47th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Conference, which took place online between 22nd-23rd of October 2021.

Awardees from left to right: 

Dabin Kim, who received the best poster-graduate award

Collin Steen, who received the best oral graduate presentation award 

Christopher Gisriel, who received the best postdoctoral presentation award

Chientzu Lin, who received the best poster-undergraduate award

Annesha Sengupta, who received the best poster-postdoctoral award

Each awardee received the book Photosynthesis Solar Energy for Life by Dr. Dmitry Shevela, Prof. Lars Olof Björn, Prof. Govindjee
 Awardees of Agrisera Awards at 47th Annual Midwest/Southeast Photosynthesis Conference

Good luck in your research!
Read more 2021-12-09

Agrisera Best Student Oral Presentation at CSPB Western Regional Meeting 2021

Our warmest congratulations to Kallum McDonald from the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences at University of Alberta, Canada, who received Agrisera Best Student Oral Presentation at the Canadian Society of Plant Biologists Western Regional Meeting, which took place online 3rd of December 2021. 

His presentation title was: "Developing a rapid genetic screening platform from Arabidopsis to accelerate breeding for increased seed protein in canola"

Agrisera Antibody Collection for Arabidopsis thaliana can be found here

 Agrisera Best Student Oral Presentation at the CSPB Western Regional Meeting 2021

Good luck with your research!
We are awaiting your free antibody choice! 
Read more 2021-12-08

Agrisera Prize at Umeå Plant Science Centre 2021

Warmest congratulations to Dr. Clément Boussardon who has received The Umeå Plant Science Centre Agrisera Prize 2021 to acknowledge his scientific achievements and his engagement to improve the work environment at UPSC. The UPSC Agrisera Prize is awarded every year to a person working at UPSC and was announced today during the virtual UPSC Christmas Celebration.

Dr. Clément Boussardon works as a postdoc in Olivier Keech's group at the Umeå Plant Science Centre.

Clément developed methods to tissue-specifically isolate plant organelles and contributed to establish a gene atlas for iron containing proteins. Most of these tools are already published and available for the scientific community at UPSC and beyond. Clément Boussardon engages actively in scientific discussions at UPSC trying to help to advance also other research projects.

Six nomination letters were sent in for this year’s UPSC Agrisera Prize. Two of them were for Clément Boussardon. The Prize - a travel voucher - is sponsored by Agrisera and awards every year a PhD student, postdoc or technician for excellent scientific achievement and great commitment to improve the work environment at UPSC. Everyone working at UPSC can nominate a colleague for the UPSC Agrisera Prize, and the members of the UPSC board select the winner of the prize. 


 Agrisera Prize at Umeå Plant Science Centre 2021

Dr. Clement Boussardon and Dr. Catherine Bellini

“The prize gives us the possibility to acknowledge great achievements and commitments, and it is every year very difficult to choose one candidate out of many good suggestions”, says Catherine Bellini, chairmen of the UPSC Board who announced the winner during UPSC X-mas lunch. 
Read more 2021-12-08

Over 1500 of Agrisera educational posters sent around the world in 2021

As in previous years, and in spite of ongoing pandemic, Agrisera has continued to ship educational posters all around the world and delivered over 1500 posters to different laboratories and conference locations. 

The collection consists of 5 posters, developed with leading experts in each field, and designed by Scigrafik

Poster 1: Oxygenic Photosynthesis

Poster 2: Z-Scheme

Poster 3: Photosynthesis and Respiration

Poster 4: Rubisco

Poster 5: Photosystem II

You are welcome to order your hard copies here, if you do not have them already!

Soon, graphics from the posters will be available for download for free on Agrisera's website. 

 Agrisera Educational Poster Collection for Photosynthesis
Read more 2021-12-06

Shipping dates for end of the year

The winter has arrived early this year, to Agrisera location in Umeå and Vännäs, in northern Sweden. We have already had temperatures down to -20ºC and received quite a lot of snow. The days are quite short, just a couple of hours, and the snow will stay with us until April.

However, we are very used to such challenging conditions and will continue shipping antibodies all around the world, with a short break for the X-mas holidays. Therefore, last day of shipping is going to be the 22nd of December 2021, and shipping will resume on the 3rd of January 2022. 

If you plan your experiments during that time, you are welcome to order as soon as possible. For items in stock, we ship within the same day, if order is registered before noon CET.

 Winter at Agrisera
Read more 2021-12-03

Award ceremony after online event - KBC Days 2021

The winner of Agrisera Award for the Best Video Presentation, during KBC Days 2021 Sofie Björklund from the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Doctoral School at Umeå University, received her diploma during the ceremony held at KBC on 1st of December. 

The title of Sofia's 3-minute presentation was: "Forever chemicals in household waste - a never-ending story?" Sofie is obtaining her PhD in the group of professor Stina Jansson at Umeå University in Sweden. 

Agrisera is happy to be able to support events at the local university.

Our catalogue antibody facility is located in Umeå and the delivery to Umeå University can be done the same day, if item is in stock and is free of charge. 

 Winner of Agrisera Award for the best video presentation during KBC Days 2021

Good luck with your research!

Read more 2021-12-02
 Agrisera News


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