Agrisera blog

Agrisera antibody development and western blot seminar at UPSC in Umeå

Agrisera antibody production and western blot seminar at UPSC, autumn 2015

On 27th of November Dr. Joanna Porankiewicz-Asplund from Agrisera held a western blot seminar at Umeå Plant Science Centre.

Thank you all for coming on this dark autumn afternoon to listen to our tips what is important to know when ordering a poly or monoclonal antibody production and antibodies should be validated. Thank you for all questions and I am looking forward to receive more of them in a future. Please do not hesitate to contact me when you encounter troubles with your western blots! With several years of western blot trouble shootings i may be able to help you!
Read more 2015-11-30

Agrisera visiting Medica 2015

Agrisera attended Medica 2015 in Düsseldorf, 16-19th of November. We had the opportunity to meet our distributors and other collaboration partners as well as establish new partnerships.
Read more 2015-11-25

Biotechnology Days and KBC Days in Umeå

The KBC Days

On the 10th and 11th of November, Agrisera attended the 2015 KBC Days at Umeå University, Sweden. Around 300 members of the Chemical Biological Centre departments, as well as visitors and invited guests from other universities, attended this meeting. Thank you for two days filled with interesting presentations and great discussions!

The Biotechnology Days

Agrisera at the Bitechnology Days 2015 Agrisera at the Bitechnology Days 2015
On the 6th of November, Agrisera participated during the 2015 Biotechnology Days. This is a yearly event arranged by students for students, held at Umeå University this year. It is a possibility for students at Swedish universities to meet each other, and a chance to meet with companies working in the field of biotechnology.

Many thanks to all of you who came by to talk about biotechnology and antibodies with us!
Read more 2015-11-24

Agrisera participates in conferences in 2016

Agrisera team is eager to meet you during the following meetings in 2016

Umeå Renewable Energy Meeting, 23.02-25.02, Umeå, Sweden
Plant Biology Europe 2016 Congress, 26.06-30.06, Prague, Czech Republic
27th International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, 29.06-3.07, Gyeongju, Korea
Plant Biology 2016, 9.07-13.07, Texas, USA
Post-transcriptional Gene Regulation in Plants (PGRP), 14.07-15.07, Texas, USA
17th International Photosynthesis Congress (PS17), 7.08-12.08, Maastricht, The Netherlands
2nd INPPO World Congress 2016 organized by the International Plant Proteomics Organization (INPPO), 4.09-8.09, Bratislava, Slovakia

Meetings which are going to be supported by Agrisera in 2016

25th Western Photosynthesis Conference, 3.01-6.01, Devil's Thumb Ranch, Tabernash, Colorado, USA
29th Conference of Molecular Biology of Plants, 23.02-26.02, Dabringhausen, Germany
Eastern Regional Photosynthesis Conference (ERPC), 8.04-10.04, Susquehanna University, USA
XIVth Symposium on Metabolism and Mode of Action of Plant Hormones, 13.04-15.04, Valencia, Spain
European Molecular Maize Meeting, 18.05-20.05, Hamburg, GermanyFinish Plant Science Days, 25-26.05, Turku, Finland
Norwegian Plant Biology 2016, 15.06-17.06, Trondheim, Norway
Plant Biotech 2016, 19.06-21.06 Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada
4th International Symposium on Plant Signaling & Behavior, 19.06-23.06, St. Petersburg, Russia
22nd International Plant Growth Sunstances Associaation meeting (IPGSA), 21.06-25.06, University of Toronto, Canada
Photosynthesis research for sustainability 2016, 19.06-25.06, Puschino, Russia
5th Pan-American Congress on Plants and BioEnergy, 4.08 - 7.08, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Photosynthetic Electron and Proton Transport in Plants and Algae, 4.08-7-08, Arnhem, The Netherlands
4th European Workshop on Plant Peptide Signalling, 31.08-2.09, Alsace, France
Tri-National Arabidopsis Meeting, 14.09-16.09, BOKU, Vienna, Austria
Transautophagy meeting, 6.10 -7.10, Warsaw, Poland
Plant proteostasis: towards a green based industry, Barcelona, Sepember, Spain

Read more 2015-11-19
 Agrisera blog


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