Agrisera blog

Antibody sets for developmental biology

AGO antibody set AS18 4248

In addition to a large collection of antibodies to various proteins involved in Circadian clock | Cytoskeleton | Flowering | Ion metabolism | Lipid metabolism | Photomorphogenesis | Senescence/Cell death | Signal transduction

Agrisera offers combined antibody sets of the most popular antibodies at a discounted rate: 

AGO, Argonaute (AGO) Antibody set | 4 antibodies, AS18 4248
This set contains:
- 4 Anti-AGO (Argonaute) antibodies of your choice: AGO1, AGO2, AGO4, AGO5, AGO6, AGO9, AGO10
- Matching secondary antibody, HRP conjugated, min. 1: 25 000 1h/RT incubation (AS09 602)
- Chemiluminescent reagent, femtogram detection range AgriseraECLSuperBright

Phytochrome interacting factor (PIF) Antibody SET | 3 antibodies, AS20 4375
This set contains:
- 3 Anti-Phytochrome interacting factor (PIF) antibodies of your choice: PIF3, PIF4 (rabbit antibodies), PIF4 (goat antibodies), PIF5
- Matching secondary antibody, HRP conjugated, min. 1: 25 000 1h/RT incubation (AS09 602)
- Chemiluminescent reagent, femtogram detection range AgriseraECLSuperBright

Antibodies from these groups are used in many publications, which are listed on the product info sheet for each specific antibody.
Read more 2020-04-28

Celebrating Earth Day 2020

Rubisco Amount on Earth

This year we are celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Earth Day with a focus on Rubisco, the most abundant enzyme on Earth. The info graphics is taken from Agrisera Educational Poster 4 Rubisco: An Enzyme of Global Importance, D. Shevela, M. Hayer-Hartl, I. Andersson, G. Govindjee (2020), doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10944.48646).

All Educational Posters from Agrisera can be found here

Agrisera provides a wide product range of antibodies to Rubisco and photosynthetic research, with a solid publication record dating back to year 2000.
Read more 2020-04-22

Agrisera Antibody search by species - new species included

Agrisera Antibody Search by Species

Are You searching for antibodies with reactivity to your model species?
Recently Agrisera Antibody Search by Species received two new additions: 

Brassica napus (rapeseed) and Manihot esculenta (cassava)

There are 28 various model species included in this search like diatoms, algae, conifers, di and monocotyl plants like barley, maize and more. As there are hundreds of model species in plant science, Agrisera antibodies were often designed to very conserved parts of a protein to provide a broad species reactivity.

If a model species you are working with is not included in the search, you are welcome to contact us!
Read more 2020-04-20

Antibodies for Arabidopsis research

Agrisera provides a wide range of antibodies for research on a model species Arabidopsis thaliana. These antibodies have been used and cited in a large number of publications over the last 20 years, covering various research areas, such as photosynthesis, developmental biology, environmental stress and more. 

A list of antibodies for Arabidopsis thaliana can be found here

If you require to match a gene product identified with an AGI code to a specific antibody, check here

We are always eager to discuss any suggestions regarding the development of new antibodies.

You are welcome to send your inquiry or request a list of antibodies currently available for testing.

Good luck with your research!

Arabidopsis thaliana flowers
Read more 2020-04-15

Developmental biology antibody collection

Agrisera Developmental Biology Antibody Collection

Throughout the months of April and May, Agrisera offers a 15 % discount on the whole collection listed below.
Promotion code: Dev15

Agrisera's antibody collection for developmental biology contains a wide range of antibodies for research on: 

Circadian clock | Cytoskeleton | Flowering | Ion metabolism | Lipid metabolism | Photomorphogenesis | Senescence/Cell death | Signal transduction

New! Phytochrome interacting factor (PIF) Antibody SET (PIF3,PIF4,PIF5) | 3 antibodies (AS20 4375)
at a discounted rate. 

Antibodies from these groups are used in many publications, which are listed on specific antibody product info sheet. 

Agrisera primary antibodies can be combined with Agrisera matching secondary antibodies: 

Goat anti-rabbit HRP conjugated, min. 1: 25 000 1h/RT (AS09 602)

Goat anti-rabbit ALP conjugated, min. 1: 1000 1h/RT, (AS09 607)

As well as Agrisera detection reagents: 

Chemiluminescent set, which combines Agrisera Bright (mid picogram range) and Agrisera SuperBright (extreme low femtogram range) (AS16 ECL-S-N)
Chromogenic Agrisera BCIP/NBT ALP Substrate and Agrisera BCIP/NBT Plus ALP Substrate

If you have any questions, you are welcome to contact us!
Read more 2020-04-03

Switching to remote teaching? Agrisera resources may help!

Agrisera Educational Lecture

Do you need a lecture about antibody production and western blot?

Based on over 30 years of experience with antibody production and antibody techniques, Agrisera has prepared an educational lecture, which covers all important steps involved in design of antigen, immunization and testing.
It is available here. To receive the password, you are welcome to contact us.

Agrisera Educational Posters

Resource for your teaching and publications
All 4 educational posters in pdf format can be found here. Using the graphics from the posters is allowed only for non-commercial educational purposes (lectures, presentations, and articles) but requires a proper citation of the source with DOI numbers. If you are interested to receive a hard copy, let us know!

The Global Plant Events Calendar

Postponed, cancelled or virtual events? The Global Plant Events Calendar is regularly updated
The current status of conferences in 2020 and 2021 can be found in the calendar, as many meetings have been cancelled, postponed or moved to 2021. There are many online events to attend, worth exploring here.

Would you like to present your own research through Plantae series? Fill out this form.
Read more 2020-04-01
 Agrisera blog


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